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Greatest Tourney Ever!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 3:46 pm
by Filthyfisherman
So,,,, sorry that everyone missed the best tourney of the Year at Wilson!!! (Have to Thank Kelton, Marcus, his dad, Jason J, and others, for participating and espeacially Tommy for helping dispose the RD's!!!! My boat was about to sink carrying the Crate with the RD's back to the Ramp!!! LOL!!!! ,, We put a dent in the Over populated Red Devils! Over 230 Red Devils harvested,,, winner (Kelton) had over 70, Marcus N 42, Filthy 37 and everyone else had about the same numbers! Earthworms were used! Another Fun Fun tourney,,, but like last time,,, The NUMBERS WERE LOW!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEDED the Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anglers not particapating also helped out, handing RD"s to me at the end!!!! So not much help or Participatation in these Fun Tourney's designed to Help Lake Wilson out and the Hatchery!!!! FF will donate some of the Tourney fee's to James at the Hatchery!!!!! And also on a good note,,, We also did some Trash Pick up,, taking the Dog Crate on Kemmo Island and using it to transport RD"s!!!!! It was a beutiful thing! A couple Pair's of Tuc's That had Red Devils all over their beds,,,now don't have Red Devils all over them now!!!!!! Espeacially around Kemmo Island,, cleaned that area out!!!! But still Red Dots everywhere!!!! Please More Help next time! Jezz,,, Everyone's missing a good time!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:24 pm
by Stan Wright
Man, I wanted to go but then everything seemed to turned against me... One of these days the stars will all aline and I'll give you guys a run for your money.
Congratulations on a fun activity.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 4:40 pm
by Baires722
Damn man....wish I could have gone out! Still have the motor issues so I'm out of fishing until I get it back. 200+ is great though!

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 5:01 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
This would be a good event for novice fishermen (wifes, kids, etc) I never went too long w/o catching one so no time to get bored! :lol:

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 5:46 pm
by Stan Wright
Someone is going to have to write a "How Too" story about Red Devils

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:52 am
by Noblisse7703
Thanks Jeff for organizing another Red Devil Tourney. A good time was had by all. The Red Devils put up a nice fight on a ultra light set up. All the ones Marcus and I caught were fairly good size. Didn't see or catch many small ones. If anybody is thinking of participating in one of these tournaments, I highly recommend it. Non stop action, you get to meet some of your fellow anglers and possibly take home a nice cash prize. Even if you don't win the tourney, you're still helping Lake Wilson by cutting into the out of control Red Devil population. I look forward to the next one and hope to give the current two time champ a run for the money.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 2:36 pm
by medc808

Thanks Jeff...I think I need lessons on fishing. :oops: Attached is a pic, but it was more impressive when they were lying all over the ground and in buckets...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:30 pm
by Ahnkochee
I still think there has to be a market for them live in Chinatown. Any legal issues selling these as far as DLNR is concerned?
Ho'omaluhia needs a Red Devil tournament too but maybe promote it as a keiki tournament with prizes.