march 21st report.

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

King Sushi level
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march 21st report.

Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:54 pm

well the water is starting to clear up a bit. at least on the north fork side anyways. visibility is maybe 8in to a foot at best. water is still very high and everything is flooded. water temp was 71 at launch and best i found was 75 at noon but only out in the sunniest areas. locked onto a very very specific pattern and knocked down the door. basically could call my shot there for most of the day. ended up with 20 fish lost another 10 to the tail dancing release method. most in the 1-2lb range with a big ole mama at 5.2lbs. she was spawned out or i might have had a well over 6lber. a few weeks late i guess. they were schooled up thick in a post spawn pattern and once i got it refined i couldn't help but catch em, course the incoming weather is gonna change that probably. several i caught were males, they had the lower fin part of the tail fins rubbed off and jagged from fanning the nests. mostly healed but still odious so i guess the spawn was 2 weeks to a month ago maybe?? I'm not sure how long it takes to heal. lots of garbage out there, i filled up the back of my boat twice, if everyone that goes out just picked up a few items it could make a difference. i know opie does it all the time. so do i and i have noticed the parts of the lake i have cleaned stuff from do look better. we will never get rid of it all with the homeless and people around the lake just tossing stuff in but come on right! its our lake i kinda like to pull up to a nice piece of cover to fish and not have to look at 3 cups a basketball and a tire floating next to a fishy looking log. i also managed to join the club of having my trailer light torn off by another person. always nice to finnish off a day of fishing when you go to get the boat out and the license plate is bend sideways and the light is ripped off and hanging by its wires, trailer pushed over 2 ft............. i mean come on right no note or anything wheres the common courtesy anymore, step up and be a man hell its only like 30 bucks for a new light .man up damn! saw who was parked on my left side too so its not like i wouldn't know. still a good day out despite the end, NO make that an STELLAR day out despite the end. the muddy water seems daunting but it can also be quite helpful if you use it too you advantage. and stan is right, i saw several tucs working bait along the bank and even had one crash a spinnerbait but miss it. barring more foul weather the tucs may be gearing up for their spawn soon. get out and good luck!

King Sushi level
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:37 am

Congratulations on a stellar day! Gotta cherish those days. Good for you for not letting some first class jack@$$ put a damper on your day! Congrats on that lunker to! 8)
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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