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First time out since all the rain

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:49 pm
by Baires722
I decided to head to the lake today and see how the fishing was and of course it was horrible! Caught 2 and lost 1. The water was like chocolate milk and it was hard to find any pattern. I caught a nice 2.9 lb tuc though, so it made the trip worth it. This weekends tournament should be real interesting. I'm gonna head out again on friday and see what I can figure out. Also, I wrote down the species, length, weight, water temp at the location, location, and lure I caught it on for the research we're doing on the lake. You don't have to get crazy like me, but the length and weight of the fish will help the HFFA's fish research on the lake. Post your weight and lenghts on here and I'll be glad to pass them on.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:57 pm
by Stan Wright

Thanks for keeping the information... as you said, all we need is the
I'm sure between all the fishermen on the lake we can get our 100 fish a month for the tracking.

See, you don't even have to give away your "secret spots". :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:11 pm
considering the lake looks like a big orange mud puddle id say that 3 fish, especially a tuc! should be considered a resounding success!! don't forget to flush the outboard real good, nothing worse than dried mud all through the inside of the engine! the tournament should be a real test of skill this time out.