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March 2nd Largemouth

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:59 pm
by Ca_Bass
This is my first post to this forum , I've been fishing at Lake Wilson for about 6 months or so. I was out the other day and caught 3 3 largemouth none were very big, the largest being about 1.5 pounds. 2 were very healthy 1 tagged the other weren't. One of the bass was a little over a pound but should have been 3 pounds. I'd never seen a more sickly fish in my life. But what I found really strange was the healthy 1.5 pounder was caught only about 20 yards away so I don't think lack of food was making this fish so skinny. It got me thinking that maybe it had some sort of internal parasite. I don't really know just thought I'd throw that out there. Another thing I keep hearing is way up the lake past the bridge to the mouth of the river is there were no peacocks due to the water being too cold, I caught two that were very thick they were both chasing huge balls of shad. Most of the largemouth I've caught here are pretty healthy, but I have noticed that when you catch em with a school of tukes they are kinda skinny. Back when I was on the mainland I fished a few tournaments at Lake Havasu, I noticed there that the bass that schooled up with the strippers were very thin. Anyone know about the 3 peacock limit I've been hearing about, when does it start if this is true? I don't really plan on eating any fish as I'm allergic to them, but I think taking a few home will be good for both tukes and largemouth. P.S. Caught this tuke a while ago thought I'd show it off.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:34 am
by Stan Wright
Great report, sounds like you have the lake wired.

About the 3 fish limit. The HFFA (Hawaii Feshwater Fishing Assoc.) bass club has tournaments on the 3rd Sunday of each month. We weigh the three largest fish as our "3 fish limit". Largemouth, smallmouth or peacock bass. In the tournaments we only count our three largest fish.... Then the fish are released alive.

The lake is still catch and release for them at the moment, but the state is doing studies to see if the fish are OK to eat and the possibility of an open season for peacock bass. Will let you all know as I get more information.

Do you have the tag number of the bass? Weight, length, where you caught it would help too. If you can get that information to me I'll pass it along and try to find out it's history for you.

Again, thanks for posting.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:38 pm
by skunked
I never heard of this 3 peacock rule. Maybe that applies to weighing them in at tournaments. Presently, you cannot harvest any bass or tucunare from the lake. Catch and release only. There's a sign at the top of the boat ramp that explains the bag limits for the other fish.
Sounds like you are doing really good with your fishing. Keep it up. If you see me on the bank, stop by and give me some pointers!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:12 am
by Ca_Bass
Tom was telling me that the state might open up a 3 fish limit to keep not meaning during the tourneys. I dunno where he heard it from, but I think it was after Kenton caught the 15 pounder.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:20 am
by Ca_Bass
I have the weight of the fish and were I caught don't have the tag number though, next time I get a tagged one I'll get the number and the length. The tagged fish was at the mouth of the river past morgans point and the bridge in that direction, not sure what the area is actually called, I also caught 2 other non tagged largemouth in the same area all in about 50yards of each other. The tagged fish I believe was 1.4lbs and I would guess about 13 inches, give or take an inch, probably doesn't give you much without the tag number I guess.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:16 am
by Stan Wright
The fartherest up that direction we released fish was just past Morgans Pt.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:58 pm
by Ca_Bass
Guess he did a bit of migrating :D