Bad fishing 2-5/2-4

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Bad fishing 2-5/2-4

Postby Filthyfisherman » Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:18 am

So on the 3rd this month I had an epic day over 30 fish... But the last two days have sucked bad!!!! Its pretty fusterating!!!!! I have been hitting the books pretty hard and Doing my Internet Hard core research!!! But the best data came to me when I looked at the USGS water level table for Lake Wilson..... And it is starting to become very clear..... Look at the day I caught over 30 fish!!!! It planes out a little for three days before they open the drain which I beleave has a hugh effect on the fish! Then look at it now,,, plummiting down!!!! Fish are in survivial mode when the lake drains so fast!!! People will catch em!, but I think the boys I have targeting are down low, and the ones people are catching now are the stragglers hanging around up.. They probably know how low it gets from the previous years.. Actually,, In PA, when I have fished ponds and resiviors that drop bad,,, USE A BUZZBAIT.. Something I didn't do javascript:emoticon(':x') . With the spawn Approching,, maybe we can tell DLNR to try keep the lake more consistant this time year?? Approching spawn? Might make fishing better and help out the fish? I have been seeing them out there taking data. I think the prob is bunch people built there homes in a FLOOD PLAIN below Wilson javascript:emoticon(':?') . But Wilson has drop way below the 70ft mark now,, going to be below 68 soon!!!! I really should have helped out Tommy yesterday with the Wilson Improvement Project instead of trying to find where the fish I have been targeting went!!!!
Image :? :? :x :x :x :x :x

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