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tough day

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:14 pm
well things started out pretty rough, water temp was 73 at 8 am, waited for a neighbor who i had promised to take out, he never showed, that bridge is burned my friend. lol anyways i had a game plan which quickly fell apart, my son decide he needed an extra pole like daddy, good idea? sure...... not really he would tangle one or hang it up and while i was fixing it he would tangle the other, i finally was the bad guy and put the extra pole away. managed one bass that got off on a texas rigged worm. but it gave me a good idea of where and how i should be fishing, stupidly i ignored it and went for easy to try and get some bank runners for my son. we zeroed by lunch and he went in. i stayed out and got serious, put together a good pattern and managed 4 bass including one small 10 inch hatchery fish I'm guessing, and one nice 2lber. there is a distinct thermocline at 5-8ft figured it could be the turnover happening. all my fish were in that zone but in different cover and with different lures and colors.its a start for figuring a good pattern, luck to you all.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:04 pm
by Ken
What? Lake Wilson turns over??? Isn't it too warm to even turn over properly? :roll: :P :lol:

By thermocline, you mean from 78F surface to 75F below the thermocline? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just kidding...sounds like a great day with your son...despite the tangles. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:50 pm
go ahead make fun of our water, ill feel sad till I'm in my shorts and slippers casting into the 73 degree water lol. but yes years of graph reading we do have a subtle turnover not near as dramatic as you guys but it happens and it does affect the fish. thermoclines yep we got em too and on some days they really are distinct! i think some guys were having luck in the wind recently, could be due to it stirring up the oxygen lvl and getting the fish less lethargic, who wants to eat when your having a tough time breathing right!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:40 pm
by Ken
BASSTRACKER wrote:go ahead make fun of our water, ill feel sad till I'm in my shorts and slippers casting into the 73 degree water lol. but yes years of graph reading we do have a subtle turnover not near as dramatic as you guys but it happens and it does affect the fish. thermoclines yep we got em too and on some days they really are distinct! i think some guys were having luck in the wind recently, could be due to it stirring up the oxygen lvl and getting the fish less lethargic, who wants to eat when your having a tough time breathing right!

:lol: I'm just a little (err...SUPER) jealous since we're already donning winter jackets and you guys are still in shorts and T-shirts! :P

Fish are always looking for optimal temperatures and conditions to feed. Good stuff you have study the lake and know how the fish reacts. :wink: