Report 11-2-11

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

King Sushi level
Posts: 301
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:55 pm

Report 11-2-11

Postby Filthyfisherman » Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:41 pm

Ok,, Its tough out... Managed 3 today... Showed up 6:30am and it was pouring rain, went under the bridge and my power went out. :? I pulled out and headed home,, fixed it.... Headed back out.. But forgot tackle bag at home... Showed up 9:30am fished until noon with only a shakeyhead setup basically.... :?... Saw schooling action, and Ya, the lake is way up!! At 20ft tag at bridge... The fish are up chasing bait onto the shore! Thinking buzzbait up there woulda like to try.... Next time when I have my bag!! I managed 3LM no Tags and they were deep on secondary points... Having all types trouble.. Bail out every 30 min.. Another leak... Plus my 95lbs Black Lab rocking the boat doesn't help.. Think he dumps 2 gallons in it when he's done swimming... His fur is pretty cool,,, thinking about making some Jigs out of his fur!! Maybe some nymph's.. lol...

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