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Good Fishing Today..

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:29 pm
by ynototony
The fishing was great today with schooling fish busting all afternoon chasing what I think were shad.. Used a Rapala lure and caught about 6-8 nice Peacocks... Also lost a few and had one break me off :evil: :evil: .. My lucky lure is attached to a fish out there so if anyone catches it please let me know.


Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:29 am
by ssminnow
Same story for me. I fished monday morning and there were schooling
tucs between boys scout island to kemoo island all morning.
First time for me with the busting tucs, so I got surprised when I was in the middle of a bust. I thought they were going to jump into the boat.
I'm going this morning again and try to get a free "lucky lure" of yours.

Does anyone know why or how long this schooling tucs phenomenon

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:26 am
by roadwarriorsvt
Someone chime in and give a better answer, but its basically the Tucs feeding on the schooling shad. They'll come up and hit them, what looks like the Tucs flopping on the top of the water, then they go down and wait for the shad to regroup and/or locate other schools of shad to hit. I've found it "mainly" occurs in the mornings/mid-mornings and evenings. I've heard the lure of choice when this occurrs is a gold kastmaster, but I've seen them hit an old school top water plug during this frenzy. I would think a shad immitator lure like a Bassassasin or 2" white Senko would work as well.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:21 pm
by Stan Wright
The old salt water whipping rig works great....
A wood floater (or clear plastic bubble) on the main line...
Then a good swivel and 4 or 5 foot leader.
A #10 AH hook and a plastic glitter strip.

This is where the fly fishermen can shine by "matching the hatch"
with our little 1 inch flys that look just like a schooling shad.

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:14 pm
the tucs are settling in to the fall transition first day of fall is the 22nd people would be surprised how in tune the fish are to the seasons even in hawaii, salt and freshwater.the sahd start to school to feed on the plankton that will die off as the temps decrease and the daylight lessons and the tucs and bass follow. figure it will last till the first good cold fronts hit then the tucs will simmer down for the winter. ive found any lure pretty much that is close to the size of the shad will work, topwater or below the surface. just keep it moving fast! damn im jealous of the weekday guys! i keep saying ill get out there but havent had the time!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:08 pm
by BadBass
Hello everyone, Man i have yet to catch tucs while there busting the suface! I hope i get a chance to go out this weekend. If i miss a week i really feel it! I need to go fishing! :x LOL

Hello SSMinow, Good to see you posting.You now have ten post! lol originally i was just going to be a lurker and learn all about this fresh water fishing stuff. But then i go and post videos and pics with me in them and people actually reconize me on the lake. LOL,

Man i wonder how Stan feels first time i met him he asked if i needed help because i was refueling and with out even turning around i knew who it was! LOL its all those lets go fishing shows i used to watch. I was going to say (when i was a very young boy) but i didnt want to make Stan feel old. Im getting up there in age

Catch ya later,

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:19 pm
by Stan Wright
Well, I was just about to say: "You must have been a little bity boy to remember me from the Let's Go Fishing show".
:lol: :lol: :lol: