
Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Sat May 14, 2011 7:25 pm

well the water is very very stained, not muddy but very close. fish still seemed intrested in biting. the morning was great had like 5 blowups on a buzzbait around grass edges, not a single one hooked up. switched to a topwater frog (aka kermit) and got 3 fish deeper in the weeds pretty quick but all three got off just as fast. added a trailer hook because it seemed like they wernt getting enough of the frog in to get the hook. on the very next cast a really nice bass grabs it and promptly jumps........ line snaps in midair and i watch a nice 2lb bass swim away with kermit,hook, and 2 ft of line. after that things went downhill,as soon as the sun came up high and the heat turned up the fishing went dead, at least for me it did. i threw spinnerbaits,crankbaits, all sorts of soft plastics to no avail and at any depth and and cover. i just couldnt find them. finally caught a small bass on a tube bait and decided to stick with that for awhile. he was really really pale, i guess from being in the dark muddy water. had a couple of good swipes at my tube by some tucs but no hook up. on my way back in saw some boils at boyscout island and threw a small propbait and got 2 more nice hits again no hook up. maybe i should have gone looking for clearer water, but the water really seemed to be affecting my hook up ratio. it actually seemed worse in the main basin than up by morgans. at least i got to use my my aresenal of muddy water lures and colors, i did get a 1lb red devil on a creature bait, pretty weird. whats the record anyway?tuff fishing for me but theres still the possibliity of fish out there for guys not minding the water being chocolate.

( 808) bass hunter
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Postby ( 808) bass hunter » Sat May 14, 2011 8:54 pm

I would have to agree w/ bass tracker! fishing is tuff when visabilty is soo poor :? :shock: :roll:

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