sat report

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sat report

Postby BASSTRACKER » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:21 pm

brutal weather, windy ,rainy cold, then for 15 min sun would come out and you sweat till you stripped down then had to suit up again after the sun went away and the wind and rain came back! anyway fishing was pretty good. busting fish all the way from county yard to masonic lodge! got down there around 730 and they hadnt stopped by 10 when my son was so tired from catching he demanded to go in! many double hook ups many 2lbers much bigger than the average schoolers, mix of lmbs inthere was great for a 5yr old learning to cast a zebco push button spincast. he didnt have to get 20ft and he would hook up!! first time i didnt have to get the fish on for him!! but man so many missed too his pole is so whippy and that damn reel so slow he couldnt get the slack and set the hook they hit it on the entry so many times! at masonic lodge it was wall to wall fish in every direction, and shad flyin in the air everywhere!! summer time here we come! after the handoff to the wife i got down to MY time on the water, by then the busts had trickled to sporadic and spaced out at best and the weather had gotten worse, mostly windy and cold. i figured id found the baitfish so i pounded the area hard all up and down the banks .NADA musta been suspended out in the middle or full. started power fishing and found a 3lb 4oz lmb on a point with a deep diver, i was tossing a huge shad colored xd6!! things like 3 plus inchs long one of those shoulderbreakers for sure. alternated wit ha 3/4 oz spinnerbait. youd be surprised how many 10in bass try to eat a 3 in lure!! most got only the front treble as if they were hitting it from below although it hit mud on nearly every cast(it dives to 12-16ft) ans the lure never really got in thier mouths hahahaha. got a 13oz red devil on it too, state record?? never will know i guess. finally lost it too what felt like a monster fish after a brief struggle it snapped my line! but i waited around for like 15 min and luckily the lure came floating up! got a 1lb 13oz lmb later on on the spinnerbait. fished alot of slow moving bottom bumping and finesse stuff, was hard in the wind but didnt catch a single fish on anything that wasnt haulin ass! definately a power fishing day!! run and gun!!

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:31 pm

Now that's what I like to hear.... schooling fish.
:D :D :D
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby djverve05 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:35 pm

Wow a day makes a difference. We didn't see any busting yesterday. Crazy how just 12 hours can make a difference in how a fish is acting.

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