Tuesday Report, 15 Mar.

Please report your GIANT fish stories here !

Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Tuesday Report, 15 Mar.

Postby Stan Wright » Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:54 pm

William was kind enough to take some pictures of their outing... Looks like they had a good time. :D Thanks William.

Nice one William.



Even Chris got into the act.


That white patch on the log... that's peacock bass eggs. You can see the fish just to the right.

William, your lucky to have a Grandfather that will take you fishing.






Chris, and William, and the "secret" lure.

"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:43 pm

Fished yesterday took my son out for spring break 2 hour fishing outing! Son gets bored fast! Seen a bunch of spawners just whent for the big males! Funny because when there's the pair there's the small female and the big male and it's always the female that attacks ur lure. Put on a brushhog so I don't hook the small ones and only set the hook on the big ones. Ended up hooking two good sized tucs and about 5 lm bass. Ended up slow trolling the brush hog behind the boat while looking for spawners worked out pretty good just hopped it on bottom going parralel to shore about 10 feet out.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:47 pm

By looking at Chris in that last pic, I'm begining to suspect that he may have "anger management" issues! :lol:

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Postby Ca_Bass » Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:15 pm

fisher dude wrote: Seen a bunch of spawners just whent for the big males! Funny because when there's the pair there's the small female and the big male and it's always the female that attacks ur lure.

I was watching Jimmy Houston fishing for spawning bass, what he does is he catches the small male and puts it in his livewell, then he catches the big female, and lets the male go. This is for tournament fishing though. I wouldn't want to go around destroying nests unless there was money on the line :D

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Tuesday Report, 15 Mar.

Postby shanai » Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:57 pm


I'm curious if anyone has looked at the impact of catching spawning Tucs and Bass when they are nesting. If both male and female are caught and then released, do they go back to their nests or do they leave the nest alone.

The more disturbing thing are for those that practice the catch but not the release part of C&R and the impact of taking out a spawning parent away from a nest.

fisher dude
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Postby fisher dude » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:52 pm

Do notice some beds there's only one bass on it probably someone caught one of them. Not certain but I only mess with if there's two on the bed and if there's a good sized one the small ones I leave alone and I'll only hook one. When I used to fish from shore I would catch the spawner and they would go right back on the bed if you release them back on the bed. I did notice alot of catch and no release people fishing the shoreline it's illegal but the ones got me was the other year there was a couple with a whole dive bag and stringer full of spawners Asian couple with aluminum boat with two electric motors no gas motor be on the look out they might be back this spawning season! Used to see them weekdays.

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Postby Ca_Bass » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:44 pm

I know male largemouth will go right back to the bed and some of the dumber ones can be caught more than twice. I've yet to see a spawning largemouth at wilson. Though I think I might have been catching some in the cove by mikimiki flats a couple months ago..I wasn't looking for beds but I caught about 8 that were stacked up along the shore in about 4 or 5 ft of water. That seems like one of the few ideal areas for bass to spawn on wilson.

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