130+ Fish

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Stan Wright
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130+ Fish

Postby Stan Wright » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:55 pm

Who: Father & Son
What: 130+ Peacock Bass, Largest: 15 in., 2 lb.
When: Tues, 5 Aug. Noon to 4:00
Where: Boy Scout Island, saddle
Why: :( Ran out of bait.
How: Live bait, (feeder fish) 4# test spinning tackle.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
"Come over to the dark side, Luke... Use the live bait!"
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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kahuna bass
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Postby kahuna bass » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:32 am


Way cool!! Next time go for 200!! Go big!!

Can't wait to get back to the island in October.......

Bass regards, Mel "Kahuna bass"
Darkside live baiter and swim baiter :twisted:
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Cant't do it

Postby cameroncarr0311 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:18 am

I just can't switch over to the dark side, I love the challenge and excitment of hooking one on one of my favorite lures, and plus I cant find a net good enough to catch the talapia lol.

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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:42 pm


You'll have to go out with Kahuna Bass and I the next time he's in town.... If you can stand there and use artificial lures while all around you are catching giant fish with live bait......
Well, you have more will power than I.
We'll just see.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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kahuna bass
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Postby kahuna bass » Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:52 pm

To all Dark side live baiter's!

Think big or go home :twisted:

Stan - I've got a collection of swim baits for you (some plastic, some wood) I must convert you to the Dark side of throwing the "big stuff"

Little small live bait are cute and work good, so are all the pretty little flies-----but the time has come to go big!! 8)

This is what happens when you drink too many ice tea's in Manila!! Glad I'm heading to Guam in the morning....

Bass regards, Mel "Kahuna bass"
Dark side big live baiter and Master of the big wood and plastic :evil:
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Postby FishinFrenzy » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:34 am

Funny you mention big swim baits...with all this talk lately about them I decided to take a 5 1/2" Super Shad Rap (redhead color) i never use and painted it up like a baby LM. Turned out pretty darn good I must say. 8) Well Tuesday late morning I tried it out...and the results surprised me.

The fish really were not very active so I slowly cruised the bank with my tube looking for tucs with my fishing glasses on that were holding close to cover. I found a submerged tree with 2 large tucs hanging out chasing away chilids. One was of considerable size so after I slowed my heart rate about 50 beats :wink: I ran that huge luge right alongside the tree as close as possible and they both slashed and banged it but did not bite it. After about 5 slashes the smaller one (maybe 4-5 lber) finally got it. About another 5 tries and the big one had all he could stand and nailed it. This one I guessed was an easy 5-6 lbs but they both shook off while trying to lip them at my tube. :x (Guess I need a Boca Grip huh Stan?) Later on in the day, one straightened out a barb on the front treble hook after it exploded on it next to a large tree. Don't know how big it was but I assume it was a hawg! :shock:

I was bummed I didn't get some pics but I'm really excited about what I learned that day....Even though the fish were not hungry, a large swim bait really pisses them off when it comes into their territory. Now I don't know about you but I get pretty stoked when I learn something new about my favorite thing to do!! :D :D

So Mel, needless to say I'm now a FIRM "Darkside BIG swim baiter" believer (but not a master like you....YET) :twisted:

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Postby Ca_Bass » Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:24 pm

Frenzy your post reminded me how destructive the tucs are to bass lures, they're always ruining spinner baits and straightening my hooks.

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Postby kahuna bass » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:54 pm

FishinFrenzy Dave,

Well come to the Darkside of Big swimbaits!! :twisted:

Nothing like throwing the big lure and having them go crazy. There are so many makes and models on the market, it's like buying a new car.

One of my favorite is dead sticking a big swim bait, espacially when I know there are some big one's around. Let it sit, sometimes 1 minute, 2-3 minutes, than a little twitch, than "bam", your on.

I've fished the smaller swim baits in Hawaii, with some success. But next trip, I'm bringing out some heavy wood and big plastics. I just believe the bigger Tuc's want to play 8)

When I get home next week, I'll send some pictures of the big baits that are coming to Hawaii!!

Either I catch big fish or I scare the heck out the Tuc's :(

Bass regards, Mel "Kahuna bass"
Darkside Swim baiter
If you ain't fish'n, you ain't have'n fun...Got fish!

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