huge schools of tilapia

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huge schools of tilapia

Postby Boatless » Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:18 am

Where'd they come from? We were there on Wednesday and there were about 4 huge schools of 3-4 inch tilapias in the main basin. Thought they were Tucs busting the surface but upon closer inspection, no. The Tucs must have been hibernating cuz it was a slow, cold, rainy and dreary hawaiian winter day.

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Postby tucmaster » Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:39 pm

That's good news. In the good ole days, the lake was full of tilapia (tuc food), especially around the C&C sewer outfall, and all over the lake as well. But after the banded jewel cichlids arrived . . .

I hope the schools of tilapia that you saw are a sign of things to come regarding forage for the tucs.

Good luck and good fishing. Tucmaster out.

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Postby Ca_Bass » Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:13 pm

I've actually seen alot of the schools as well, I usually don't notice them until I drive by in my boat or I cast on them inadvertantly and they freak out.

I've even seem some pretty big schools of shad too. I'll around em for a bit waiting for the tucs to show up but I get bored and move on.

Hope you're right tucmaster about good things to come!

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