Epic Day 7-19-12

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Epic Day 7-19-12

Postby Filthyfisherman » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:20 am

Launched 2-5:30pm, 20 LM Bass? Maybe more, Sunny, Prt Cloudy, wind NW 3.1mph, BP 30.02s, WT 81-83 surface/stained 2ft at dam- 1ft everywhere else, Level 68.87s,,,,,
The Schooling pattern has started back up again!!!! Took a kid out yesterday, sponsored Bass angler from S Cal... Filming a video for Phenix Rods his sponsor. Started out shakey heading points as I've been for the past weeks.. I have been toying around with Coffee Scent for a couple years now... And After a Talk with Shane,, "He Mentioned that his Dad and All Tennessee" Is coffeed up with their tubes!!! SO FilthyFishermen Lures Are NOW KONA COFFEE IMPREGNANTED!!!!! ONLY Fishing lures made with 100% Hawaii KONA Coffee!!!!!! So with the new coffee scented lures we picked up a few LM's using a FF Treat worm 6" in Greenpumpkin color with a 3/16oz SH weight.. I noticed some schooling action really starting to pick up so I picked up the spinnerbait 1/2oz wht and told him to do the same! We trolled around fan casting blind, casting a busting pods and caught a nice amount of Largemouth..... NOW I am going to revel a technique here,, SOME will not like it!!!! But Some will love it!!! When you run into schooling Bass in middle of the lake!!!! And Garanted, you only want to do this when NO One is around you fishing and only at the dam!!!! But when your fishing these schools of busting fish,,,, When the action dies,, which it does,, Start up the gas engine and drive in 2 circles the area your fishing. Go 5mph so you get that effect Which us Anglers back east call (A WATER PLOW) that really causes wake... then stop.. Let it settle.. Then get casting!!!! We Saw Peacocks schooling and jumping Straight OUT OF the water busting shad Along with nice Largemouth Yesterday while doing this technique!!!!!! We couldn't get hooked up with a peacock?, but some schools busting where at least 50% TUC's maybe more!!!!! Be nice to get this pattern really learned and tought to everyone, releave the pressure of the TUC's on the banks bedded! Man they took a pounding this spring! But like I said the Shad Spawn was weird this year! This schooling pattern is a month and a half behind last years pattern! But the Shad Seem BIGGER this year? We saw some Shad which they were busting on floating dead. So a Spinnerbait and Shakeyhead setup would be good to take out with you guys!!!!

Just a reminder that the RED DEVIL THROW DOWN July 29th is ON!!!!

And Sunday is the HFFA tourney, be ready for a little boat traffic Sunday.

Be Safe, Tight lines Guys!!!!! Filthy!

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:26 pm

i heard of a guy from Texas doing that "circle the boat" thing... really works.
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby Ca_Bass » Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:30 pm

I use to do the same thing with the tucs. I noticed it one day when the schooling action was a little sparadic. I would hit some busting action catch a fish or two then it would die down. So I would fire up the outboard to move and just about everytime I did, they would come back up. I imagine they bait fish get startled which in turn triggers the tucs/bass .

Another tactic I used succesfully a few times was pretty cool.....
If I found a school of shad that the tucs hadn't found, I would herd them to the closest point or bank that likely held tucs. I would mostly use my trolling motor but sometimes a few really hard cast that make a big splash that scare the bait in the opposite direction were needed. It wasn't something that always worked, first just getting them to go where you want them to go is challenging. Two, if you do get them to go where you want there has to be fish there, and three I think the tucs/bass get spooked from your boat ocassionally in the process. But the two times I got it to work were amazing! Like 50 fish between my buddy and I in a two hour span amazing! All on artificials.
Luck is when opportunity and skill meet.

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