Red Devil Pick Up Tourney

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Moderators: Stan Wright, roadwarriorsvt

Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:08 pm

Fished today...Thursday...
Red Devils everywhere...
i didn't catch a single one.

Don't know what I was doing wrong...
tried everything (except earth worms)

Might not have that mary to count on Sunday after all.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BASSTRACKER » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:38 pm

one thing to take away from this, our small community is very passionate about the lake indeed,and any course action is better than nothing at all, even discourse can be good if only to raise awareness. i think a few condescending posts set a bad path for this thread. ken makes a few good points but a lot of bad observations from a a far off location. the HFFA has done an incredible job with the stocking program and keeping it alive. i remember after the hyacinth and salvinia when 1 or 2 fish a day was a good day. then after a few years it got to be 3-4 fish a day. now its not unheard of to get 10 plus fish a day and although they aren't to growing there are definatley more than there were.tommy has done wonders getting more info and bringing in an expert to evaluate the lake, i mean on the mainland these guys have turned dead waters into great fisheries they really do know what they are doing. many of us contribute in different ways. i think we can all agree that things are turning around for the lake as long as we use or energies in a positive way. perhaps if the tournament does go sunday, some stomach contents should be checked to get a broad spectrum of what they are eating. the snakeheads and plecos are being hunted on mainland lakes as invasive yet here they are kinda of accepted and welcomed . hell the snakeheads are all but gone, the last one i caught was 2 or 3 years ago, whats changed that a fish that scary is gone? could the red devils really have forced out snakeheads? who knows but things have changed some for the better some not. i think i witnessed the same thing jeff did this past weekend and several nests with 2-3 lb tucs on them were literally surrounded by 20-30 red devils, and its not the first time i have seen it like that. that alone makes a red devil tournament worthwhile. when one of the fiercest species in the lake is being overwhelmed its sickening to watch. ken i think you make some valid points but you maybe came off a bit condescending and some of your facts are wrong, i may not have a phd but i have 30 years of field experience on this and several bodies of water. however i respect your opinions. jeff i think your trying to do something to help the lake in a positive way and raising awareness about the problem with this tournament is good either way, at least your doing something and trying to make it fun for everyone. tommy you have dedicated so much time and effort into the cause its impressive to see you checking traps and working with the biologist to make a change in the right direction, i gobble up every post you guys put up about the info and feedback.there are several others and I'm gonna pat myself on the back that may not be in the front leading the charge but do a lot on our own to help the lake. picking up garbage , calling news stations or dole, keeping dlnr on their toes or even just educating new anglers. this being said its nearly the weekend and isn't that what we all work toward, a bit of time on the water to pursue whatever fish your after.

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Postby Crash » Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:24 pm

I agree that we are all passionate about our only freshwater lake here on Oahu.

I'd like to throw out my apologies....I never meant to start sh!t. I was only hoping to jump in to discuss the Red Devil Tournament and the very real need to eradicate them.

That being said...go get you some Red Devils!

Cant wait to hear the results from this event.

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Postby Ken » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:47 am

I don't know how many of you have fished in Florida before, or read about the fish ecology there.

There are many similarities between the two areas. I did a lot of mental comparison between Lake Wilson and Florida after fishing both in person. I don't just sit behind the computer, read about things, then make these arguments!

Why is it that the cobra snakehead population boomed in Florida in just a few short years, and still expanding, while the northern snakehead in Lake Wilson are dying?

Why is it that there is a good healthy balance between largemouth bass and peacock bass in Florida while this balance is knocked off in Lake Wilson?

Why is it any pond, lake or canal in Florida can harbour more species of exotic and aggressive cichlids (Spotted Tilapia, Oscars, Mayan Cichild, Jaguar Guapote, Midas Cichlid, Blue Tilapia, Jack Dempsey, Firemouth, African Jewel Cichlid...etc) while still supporting a good population of largemouth bass?

Why is it that Florida has more comepeting native predators aside from exotic cichlids (bowfin, Florida gar, longnose gar, at least 6 species of sunfish I can think of and chain pickerel) yet largemouth bass are completely able to coexist in good number?

Why is it that Florida canals can have fluctuating water levels yet bass are able to spawn just as well?

Why is it that Florida's Midas cichild, a closely related species to the Red Devil, with the same aggressiveness and behaviour in all aspects, can be kept in checked in Florida while Red Devils number are exploding in Lake Wilson?

After seeing both Lake Wilson and Florida's small ponds, larger lakes and canals first hand and seeing the biological diversity there, I just can't figure out what is different between the two...except...

Most of Florida's water has stable and abundant weed growth, fairly stable water level, lots of suitable shallow areas for spawning, a wide forage base that bass can depend on, and lots of habitats to share between the species.

I remembered when I first came on here in 2006 that catching and reporting a few largemouth bass in a day is rare. Yes, not it is not uncommon to report few largemouth bass in a day on multiple days. Certainly, I agree that stocking efforts are increasing the number of largemouth bass in the lake.

How many of you though have caught juvenile largemouth bass? In fact, most of the largemouth bass encountered are all around the same size from the same stocking class (1-1.5lb range).

What is this indicating, especially after a few years of stocking?

The largemouth bass are not able to reproduce. Without a reproducing population, you are then only relying on stocking to support the population of largemouth bass in Lake Wilson. How long will stocking last? How long can this be sustained?

I know you are now tagging and tracking bass growth which is great. Keep an eye on it and we'll see how much these bass grow, then compare with similar size fishery with similar forage bass and see if you notice a difference. I look at the bass caught in Lake Wilson, and I look at the largemouth bass I catch in Ontario, and I don't need a PhD to see the bass are not feeding well.

I'm not trying to point out my PhD and try to sound condescending. I point out my PhD because, as a scientist, I feel frustrated that often the general public will toss out scientific methods of evaluation for some quick fix method.

Look at the Asian carp spread. What good do those catch and kill tournament do? How much are those affecting the population? Look at the cobra snakehead spread. What good do anglers do when they toss every snakehead on shore to die or shot every snakehead with a bow? How is that stopping the spread of snakehead? Look at the spread of round goby. Anglers in Ontario has tried and tried to squash every single one caught. Are round goby disappearing?

In fact, originally, everyone was worried that the ravenous gobies would raid bass nests and eat walleye and perch eggs. The smallmouth bass fishing and walleye fishing has only gotten better with the presence of goby since they provided an extra forage source. I'm not making this up.

What's the difference between these and largemouth bass in Lake Wilson?

Sure, these exotics' spawning abilities are greater than largemouth bass. However, why is it that these exotics are threatened or endangered in their native habitat while exploding in their foreign habitat? (Yes, round goby is critically endangered in their native range, and cobra snakehead is not very common in their native range.) Why is it that largemouth bass can expand in range in Japan and in direct competition with the native Northern Snakehead? Why is it that largemouth bass can expand in Europe and create an ecological threat?

Again, suitable habitat availability has a lot to do with it.

I'm not trying to sound condescending. I'm throwing out points and questions for all to think about. I'm trying to point out that there are many more great issues than Red Devils that is halting the growth and proliferation of largemouth bass. If these are not addressed, the efforts to remove a small fraction of Red Devils is really an exercise of futility.

I may be far away...but I can take all the reported angler's data and do comparisons as well on bass growth rate and look at bass well being. Scientist do this often by taking angler's sampling data and do the analysis. Again, it doesn't take a PhD to see bass are not doing well. However, it does take a degree (not even saying I'm qualified, but am suggesting a fishery biology professional is necessary) to manage this lake properly.
Last edited by Ken on Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stan Wright
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Postby Stan Wright » Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:14 am


As with most things....
the more I learn,
the more questions I have.

Isn't it wonderful there are so many of us fishermen
that are concerned enough and
are willing to jump in and help do something?
:D :D :D
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Postby Filthyfisherman » Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:40 pm

OK,,, So headed out today this morning 9:30am to 1pm... Landed 5 Red Devils on minnows, size 2 bait holder hooks, 1/16oz spilt shot 8' above hook.. I only had 10 minnows,, But with a bucket of minnows,,, You can clean up!!!!!!! You have to stay away from them not to spook them, but close enough to pitch at them, This rig can't cast that well,, But you should get close enough to pitch..... FUN day figuring the RD"S out,,, my buddy and I also ran into some schooling Bass catching a bunch on spinnerbaits wht... I caught a good one on a deep crank 6X... Also got a peacock on a minnow too... Sunday is going to be a fun day!!!! Had fun today catching some Red Devils..!!!!

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:51 am

I got Minnows for Sale!!!!!!!!! $5 a healthy dozen. bring your buckets!!! Marcus and I got like 200 minnows yesterday... And I am going to get another tonight...... So tomarrow,, I got hooks, line, tackle, live bait,, My company's lures,, Free lures, everything you need...

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:24 pm

Pretty stoked for Tomarrow.. Totally different preperation for this tourney.... All the rods are coming off, re-rigged some of them,,,, And I've added a Crappy Slab Seeker to the arsinal!!!!! My 12' Crappy rod, fitted with a Bass Pro Shops Crappy reel.... Never used this set up!! Minnows are doing good on,, lost some over night,, going after ton more after I post this!!!! I have a ton of Tru- Turn hooks too if you guys are intrested,, Best live bait hook I've used... My buddy and I used to Ice Fish a lot when I found the Tru-Turn hooks!
Check this setup out. LOL!!!



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Postby BASSTRACKER » Sat Apr 28, 2012 6:34 pm

won't be able to make it out tomorrow, i wish you guys luck. i did get out today and the masses of red devils aren't on the banks like they were last weekend. it may be a tough tourney after all. good luck!

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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:31 pm


You Guys are in LUCK...
I won't be able to make it either... :(

"Good Hunting Everyone"
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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:06 pm

Jeff, If you're having trouble with the medonkas dying off, try add a teaspoon of salt per every 10 gallons of water in the tank. works like magic, especially if they were caught out of brackish water.
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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Postby WET » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:25 pm

Good luck to everyone tomorrow! unfortunately i cant make it.... i hope thousands are caught, and i hope the crazy "phd" didnt brainwash anyone into not partaking in this tournament.... because the red devils are so much smarter and more exciting to catch then the "dumb" large mouths and tuc's :lol: what a JOKE, couldn't believe what i was reading.... this dude would be in heaven if he even went to Ho'omaluhia

Please post the results

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Postby Ca_Bass » Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:43 am

So how did the red devil tournament go?
Luck is when opportunity and skill meet.

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Tue May 01, 2012 11:03 am

So... The Red Devil tourney was a success!!!!!!!! Dispite the weather being miserable,,, everyone who fished the tourney had a big smiling grin on their face at weigh in!!!! I was laughing the whole tourney,, because I was having soo much fun useing this Slab Slammer 12' crappy rod,, and Red Devil fishing is fun.. Marcus and I caught many fish!!! Peacocks, Bass, RD's,, Using Minnows.... The bait with better results was good old earthworm!!!!!!!!!! We'll say a good amount of RD"S were caught, including a State Record Tie at 1.14- 1.16lbs (Unofficial) not submitting.. Only had a FEW numbers!!!! (KVD) of wilson and I were talking about that at the end of the day.... Hopefully next time we can get more numbers!!!! It was a well run and easy fun tourney!!! LOTS OF PRIZES were given out, Thanks to Stan for consolation prizes! and everyone who fished and All the Wilson normals with advice!!!!!

Next RD Throw down May 27th!!!!!


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Postby Baires722 » Tue May 01, 2012 11:47 am

I had a blast!! I think between the 5 of us we must have caught 60+ RD. probably didn't do a dent in the RD population but if we keep doing this every month we'll def. start seeing less numbers of them. Good job on organizing the tournament Jeff and I'll def. be at the next one!

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