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water level

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:43 pm
anyone else getting fed up with the water level goin up and down,personally id like it higher although i understand the dam concerns and otake camp concerns.but the the poor fish trying to spawn,if they do nest and the lvl drops, there goes a generation and if they dont go soon i think they may not nest at all.not to mention the damn ramp is getting to be a pain to get down,its like a mile to the water and nowhere to tie to when you go to park,have to throw out the anchor to hold the boat there.winters over cant they figure it out like mainland lakes, drop the level in the late fall to make room for runoff and keep it low till spring so it has enough water in it to make it without getting too low all it that hard to figure out?we keep paying ramp fees i havent seen any ramp in the state taken care of or improved lately,give me the money i drive by every day, ill pull the plug before storms and keep the level.on the upside being low does help bake off all the gook on the bottom hardening up the lake bed.

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:05 pm
by Pegasus
There is a website you can keep up with the water levels on the lake with. I dont have the exact name, buy it is a national weather service site called advanced hydrologic prediction service. You should be abble to Google it. I think you need to click on Wahiawa to get the lake. It shows the water levels as a graph chart. There are also a couple of weather radar screens just like on the tv weather report. The latest chart shows they have been holding the lake at 68.94 feet since last Wed. at 8pm. There is not much water in some spots these days. At least my kayak can make it past most of the low spots. But a boat with an outboard had better be paying attention as he goes around some of the long extended points !

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:11 am
by roadwarriorsvt
Yep. I learned where some of those extended points are the hard way! :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:15 pm
well thats no way to treat "2nd best looking boat on the lake" hahahaha hope they dont let it go much lower, expecting to drop off the ramp here if they keep it up,wonder how much lower it can go?what happened to keepin it at 72ft?? 82 is too high but 68 is way low! have to start calling it boyscout penninsula now,not island.

how low can it go?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:15 am
by clay
the lake can go much much lower. you old timers out there remember when we still had a pineapple industry? when i first started fishing the lake as a kid there were times when kemoo island was an extention of the point coming off the dam. all the banks were super steep. we used to tie ropes to the trees to get down to the water and the boat ramp was completely out of the water. i don't remeber it being as murky and stinky when it was low though.

i don't care what level the waters at i just wouldn't mind if they keep it the same, but the state maintaining anything? just be glad they haven't come up with the idea of draining the lake, diverting the streams and using it as the next land fill since it's already half way to being one. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:58 am
by roadwarriorsvt
I went to my favorite north fork spot Fri. evening. The water level is lower than I've ever seen it, in the 1.5 year. I've been going there. You can literally walk across the lake w/o getting your knees wet! Noticed an increase of carp in the area also. :?

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:24 pm
its still dropping...........why? maybe no ones watching the valve? next time i go out i think i will check to see how much room is left to the end of the ramp,some poor bastard is gonna roll right off into the depression im sure is there at the end of it, and i know the powers that be dont give a damn bout a few freshwater fishermen. the lake has survived much worse like clay said i recall south fork bone dry with dirt bikers using it as a new track, i have personally walked across from kunia point to the sewer plant, i remember when only water left in it was near the damn in a 100yd mud puddle,lets hope them days dont happen again but the lake did come back! and it happened at least 2 times that i can remember.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:29 pm
by Stan Wright
I sopke with some kayakers today and they said that the old Whitmore Village outfall was as far as they could go up the North Fork.

Took this today at the ramp. Lowest I've seen it in a long time.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:10 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
Anyone know who we can call to voice our concerns? I'm all for public safety. I'd hate to see Waialua get flooded, but this is a little extreme IMO. Bill?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:33 am
by roadwarriorsvt
I checked the water level Mon. evening and it looked 6-8" lower than on Sun. afternoon. This is just rediculous. :roll:

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:36 pm
Interesting post basstracker. I like fishing the lake at different levels because it is like fishing a different lake, however I do not like it when the level of the water bounces up and down so quickly like it has done this year. It seems to have a negative affect on the fish. 2009 has been the worst freshwater fishing I have experienced this decade so far.

As far as the spawn goes, some people on this forum feel that there are to many peacockbass in the lake, therefore they should be happy with a poor spawning year.

Conspiracy theory. The government can kill two birds with one stone. The government justifies lowering the level in the lake because of safety issues. If they lower the water level where the ramp becomes useless they can also close the park because you can not launch your boat anyways.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:15 pm
actually by my reconning it actually rose bout a foot over the last week,my measurement method involves marking the ramp with a piece of my sons chalk hahaha very scientific but accuracy that cannot be argued.have started checking once a week as i head home from work.slope of the ramp like the pitch of a roof, ramp drops 12 inchs water drops 5 inchs vertical and slope varys along the ramp so the pitch changes but you get the jist.the lake rose slightly this past week and seems to have leveled off.good sign i hope,i agree with bassin assasin dropping water changes spots by the week, i dont think its gonna hurt the fish as long as the learn how to fish and whats working from week to week, i have fished much lower water than this and just have to relearn my spots as the landscape changes.remember on the mainland they fish all over the south in lake no deeper than 4-5 ft no problem.conspiracy wise,im just not conviced the goverment is that smart hahahaha.