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Permanent residents around Lake Wilson

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:30 pm
by Sr. Castalot
I was just wondering what everyone thought about all the homeless living around the banks of lake Wilson?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:46 am
by Stan Wright
Boy Scout Island use to be a show place where Scouts went camping and fishing almost every weekend. It was like a park and very well maintained by the kids.

Then the state said "No Camping" on the lake. I keep telling the boys we should go camping anyway and just tell anyone who asks: "Illegal Camping??? NO, we're homeless."

Have you notices they have moved back under the bridge? There is also a huge camp near the bridge on the North Fork. I guess it's about time to start calling the Health Department again.... the place is really beginning to stink.

Re: Permanent residents around Lake Wilson

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:08 pm
by Lrry93
Sr. Castalot wrote:I was just wondering what everyone thought about all the homeless living around the banks of lake Wilson?

No comment............. :evil:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:51 pm
by OahuDave
I was wondering about all that. I constantly see the same people stumbling up from both sides of the bridge coming from Whitmore. Heard about Mokuleia Beach Park finally being cleared, also Farrington. Be nice to see them gone from the bridge too. They really setup some pretty permanent camps and you gotta wonder about all issues I guess is the cleanest way to say it.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:04 am
by kahuna bass
Greetings All,

It's ashamed that this issue has not been resolved. Besides health issues, it's an eye sore :evil:

But it doesn't stop there, many homes along the lake front use the their back yard area as a dump, throwing what they can into the lake. Some people just don't care.

I strongly believe the state needs to get involved. Lake Wilson's fishery is one of a kind. It has so much potential, however, with these same issues not getting the attention it much deserves, it will only get worse. :evil:

I believe the kids are our future. If their fishing and enjoying water sports, it will keep them out of trouble. Fishing is also a family sport. Possibilities are endless.....But if issues continue (homeless running wild, trash in the lake, home owners using their back yards as dump sites, lack of camp/park site's, etc.) than it's all for nothing.....

Take the lake back and enjoy it to its fullest!!!! :twisted:

Bass regards, Mel "Kahuna bass"
"Da Dark side dude"

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:30 pm
bout a year ago when the grass started to fully return to north fork had,took some people up by the old pillings one morning(summer grass fishing patterns ruled before the first hyacinth invasion)anyways had someone from the homeless side of the bank firing large rocks at us took bout 3 big splashs before we figured out what it was then my friend looked up and saw one in the air, softball sized rock lobbed like 50ft in air mortar style just missing our boat.bout 7 in all space 1-2 min apart we moved away but they had some range whomever they were.musta been using one of those water balloon sling shots. silent and potentially deadly, needless to say since were wernt packing a shotgun load with rock salt we high tailed it outa there.havent been that far up since then hate to think it was the homless people, maybe it was whitmore kids i dunno.anyone else had anything like that happen?called the cops from the boat once we were clear, they didnt seem intrested.