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Wahiawa Middle School Bass Program

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:23 pm
by kaapeha173
Went out to the Lake today at 2:00 pm, looks like a construction crew was doing some work on the lower part of the boat ramp. Are these the improvements that were mentioned in Sept? Also, is the Wahiawa Middle School bass program still supporting the lake? I got remarried and only fish a few times a year now, sorta got behind on the lake news.

Re: Wahiawa Middle School Bass Program

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:01 pm
by ssminnow
I was curious so took a trip this morning to investigate.
The contractor was patching with concrete all of the erosion holes
around and under the ramp. The dock fenders made of hard plastic is
complete and looks good. They will install cleats along the walkway
this afternoon. Just in time for summer fishing.

Re: Wahiawa Middle School Bass Program

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:05 pm
they have pored concrete along the edge of the ramp where the erosion had undermined the edge. added trex bumpers along the side of the walkway on the ramp. and added several tie cleats along the walkway.alas all quite high above the seater level , to launch now trailering along the first slats. they aren't showing yet but if the dry weather keeps holding won't be long before slats start showing. also cow point is no longer cow point, now its tow yard point...... I'm sure the city permitted the demolition of the old house, all the trees, and the creation of the parking lot all with no mitigation to the water.progress i guess. fishing tough and extremely hot out there!

Re: Wahiawa Middle School Bass Program

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:22 pm
by Stan Wright
Thanks for the reports... I'll try to get up there this week and take some pictures for you guys. I wondered what they were going at Cow Point.