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creatures in Lake Wilson

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:19 am
by shanai
We all know that there are all kinds of creatures in Lake Wilson, what these creatures are can be anyone's guess or imagination. We were on the Lake on Sunday and witnessed sightings of a large creature that would occasionally break the surface. It had a big tail and was kinda pinkish in color. We think that it might have been an Arowana, and a pretty big one at that as it left a huge surface wake whenever it came up. ( some species can grow to 4 ft in length ) Then again, it could have been something else altogether.


We tied up to the side of the bank, and just below our boat we saw a pair of knife fish that we assume were nesting as they would not move very far away even if we were right on top of them. This pair was kind of orange in color and you could see the distinct black dots along the side of the body.

The say that fisherman all tell tall fish tales but this pair looked to be about two feet each in length. I don't know how big they get but these two were pretty big. If they were indeed nesting, then maybe they'll be a bunch of small knife fish in the lake soon.

Here's a pic of one species of knife fish although probably not the species that we actually saw in the lake.


As far as the fishing went, there was a lot of busting action going on all over the place so the catching part of fishing was fun as we hooked into a lot of Bass and Tucs. Just a nice day to be on the water sharing it with friends and all creatures known or unknown.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:41 pm
by Stan Wright
Wow, I've never seen any of thoseā€¦ time to go fishing.