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Reminder - Required boating safety 11/14

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:06 pm
by shanai

Here's a reminder that the State Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
Mandatory Boating Safety Education certificate requirement will go into effect
November 14, 2014. After this date, subject to a minimum fine of $50.
( I guess if you get caught )

See the below url for Q&A about this safety requirement ... cation-qa/

While perusing the Q&A, I read through the section on exceptions:

Q6. Who is exempt?
A. The rule provides an exemption for individuals who: 1) possess a valid merchant mariner credential issued by the United States Coast Guard, (2) operate a thrill craft in a commercial thrill craft zone as authorized by the State, 3) operate a vessel powered by a motor rated at 10 horsepower or less, 4) are on a voyage originating out of State and will remain in the State less than 60 calendar days, or 5) received a safety briefing approved by the State and are operating a rented vessel. As of this writing, the rule does not provide exemptions for ocean safety personnel, federal/state/county personnel, lifeguards, marine enforcement, researchers, etc.

# 3 is interesting for those fishing Lake Wilson, if you have a motor that is rated 10 horsepower or less - according to the information you're exempt
from having to get the boating safety certificate. So I guess the choices are: get the certificate or get a smaller motor for your boat, or maybe you could fish out of a kayak.

:) steve

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:45 am
by Stan Wright
Anyone know where one can attend a class ? I was thinking it may cost some $$$ but would be more fun than doing it on line for free.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:13 am
by shanai

The Q & A refers to a free on-line boating course ... cation-qa/

:) steve

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:56 pm
by shanai

This is supposed to be a free on-line course - haven't taken it yet but heard that you can take part of it, save and come back to finish the other parts
