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How's it going?

Postby Ca_Bass » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:22 am

It's been awhile since I've posted on the forum! Wanted to check in and see how you all were doing. Also, I wanted to ask how the largemouth fishing has been? I know when I left Hawaii in the begining of 2011 it was getting pretty amazing!

Has the red devil round up tournaments seemed to have a positive affect on the size of the largemouth and tucs?

I may be coming back to Hawaii for another tour next year and wanted to check with some of the military guys about the process of shipping a boat to Hawaii with your move.

Tallk to you guys later,
Luck is when opportunity and skill meet.

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bass fishing

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:43 am

Happy holidays, Ca_Bass! The tuc fishing has been going down hill ever since you left. I think this is the worst year ever. Still can catch them, but you have to work harder now. They still bite the same techinques, etc. but you have to move around more now. I don't fish for bass but I usually catch a few by accident but I haven't caught any this year. Maybe it is because I haven't been going as much. If you look at the HFFA tournament archives for 2012, the catches are now dominated by largemouth bass. When you were here it was the opposite, the tucs dominated. So things have changed since you left.

BTW, bonefishing is still pretty good according to Clay at the nervouswater shop. I landed one over 10 pounds this year and 2 around 8 pounds. All sight fishing. More people are doing that type of fishing now days though.

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Location: Mililani HI

Postby Ca_Bass » Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:19 pm

I'm sure it's just one of those natural cycles that take place in nature with the tucs and the largemouth. It's innevitable that something will happen in the future that sways the enviroment back to the tucs I guess. It had started to sway the way of the bass the last 6 months I was there, I think during one of the HFFA tournaments I fished before I left I had caught 26 largemouth or something. The first 4 or 5 years I was there I may had caught 10 or 12!

what about the size of the bass? most of the fish I was catching were about 14 inches with a few that were 3 to 4lbs mixed in. I would imagine that alot of those fish from the 2010ish spawn have grown up. But maybe due to the warm water temps year round they never really have a chance to pack on the pounds during the winter. I know out here the fish I catch in the winter and early are usually 2lbs heavier than their summer weights.

I should be finding out next month where I will be going. Im going to make a hard push to get back to Hawaii though....unless I can sell my house in Makakilo in the next month! I would love to stay here in Georgia if I could, the bass tournament fishing out here is pretty serious. I live about 25 mins away from Clarks Hill and about an hour from Lake Murray which both have probably at least 5 tournaments every weekend on each lake! about two weeks ago I had a pretty amazing day out on clarks hill...probably caught 25 or so bass, striper and hybrids...and only 1 or two of the largemouth were under 2lbs! I'll have to get on my computer and post some pics.

I would have to figure out how to get my boat to Hawaii! The military should ship it I just may have to pay a little out of pocket. I also may consider trading my boat in for a smaller boat but I'm hessitant to do that because as soon as I went back to the mainland I'd want a 20fter again.
Luck is when opportunity and skill meet.

King Sushi level
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:43 pm

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:28 pm

I thought that since Hawaii doesn't really have a winter, the lm bass would grow all year round. I guess because they evolved where there is a cold winter, that is not the case. Wish we had stripers or hybrids, that would be fun. I think Hawaii would have some world class bass fishing if the state really wanted it. Good luck with the boat.

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