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Make your List of 6 fish if the lake was restocked anew

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:26 am
by blast from the past
Here's what I would ask for (I'm going to imagine everyone's list is going to be very similar).

1. Largemouth bass = not trophy lake, numbers lake; therefore, Northern Strain ("football" shape bass).
2. Bluegill (is there anyone out there who would want to live without it?).
3. Tucunare.
4. Tilapia (the go-to fish anytime, anywhere, in the billions....(especially for the keiki)
5. Giant Snakehead (Giant strain Pungee).
6. Hmmmmm.... I think I'll let you fill in the blank.......

P.S. forage fish =
1. Mosquito fish
2. Platy (livebearing!) Bass love to eat these.
3. Shad
4. crayfish

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:55 am
by skunked
I would like to strangle the person(s) who released the red devils, cichlids (besides tucs and tilapia), and stickfish into the lake!
1. Florida strain Largemouths
2. Crappie
3. Bluegill
4. Spotted Bass (probably wouldn't do well in the lake, but worth a try)
5. Butterfly Pavon (Tucs)

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:57 am
by drcray
It's probably too warm for spotted bass, plus there max size is rather small compared to LMB's and even Smallies. I would rather see the lake stocked with hard fighting fish like Smallies, Snakeheads, and Maybe some Tambaqui (Pacu). Wild Pacu are the best tasting fish on this planet hands down, and put up an impressive fight even at small sizes.

I could live without bluegill. Where I grew up in Florida we used to use pieces of cigarette butts to catch huge bluegills by the hundreds. They are as abundant as the 5 stars and Red devils here where I am from. That's a fish I wouldn't mind not seeing for a while.

Arowana would be a cool stocked fish. Great fighting fish. Jumps like a awa awa.

Gar would be cool too. I miss catching those. Crappie would be a rad fish too if it could live down here. Such an interesting fish to catch.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:05 pm
by Stan Wright
I'd like to see some of those great big bluegill in the lake. Forrage fish for the bass and lots of fun to catch.

I'd also like to see the Florida strain Largemouth. Last time I testified before the legislature some 30 years ago on the subject... it was a no go. The friends of animals folks showed that painting of a largemouth bass jumping out of the water about to snatch a red-wing blackbird off a cattail. They said if we bring largemouth bass into Hawaii, those bass would eat all our endangered bird species.
Never mind, it was only a painting, we already have bass in Hawaii, and no endangered birds live near Lake Wilson.

Between the echo-terrorists and the state legislature, it's a wonder we still have a lake.

P.S. The Hawaiian Humane Society is not a part of the American Humane Society. It's the AHS who wants to outlaw all fishing. NOT the Hawaiian Humane Society... I ask them out right before I did any volunteer work for them.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:12 pm
hey blast from the past, I am surprised you left off the puntat as one of your forage fish. They make a great bass bait and are suppose to be good eating. Mr. Kinkaide once wrote in hfn that he caught 30 something bass off one point using puntat back in the day. What about the channel catfish, it is one of the few double digit sized fish in the lake. I would like to see those 20 pound tucs in the lake but they probably eat everything in the lake.

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:21 am
by Ahnkochee
I want fish that eat tilapia and Red Devils

Nile Perch
Swai (Thai Catfish)
Amazon Redtail Catfish
Florida Strain LMB
Giant Snakehead

While we're dreaming I'd like to put in an order for Atlantic Tarpon and Snook for Ka'elepulu Pond (aka "Enchanted Lake").

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:47 pm
by Soldierboy
Here is my dream wish list. Must have heavy gear to tackle these giants. :P

Amazon Peacock Bass

Lake El Salto Mexico Large Mouth Bass

Northern Pike

Giant Snake Heads

Alligator Gar

Mekong Giant Catfish

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:20 pm
by asianmanofmystery
Please be sure to stock some blue catfish and channel catfish for me - the big varieties of both. I am flexible as to what else you guys want to include.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:52 pm
by Stan Wright
There are some very large channel catfish... Just punch holes in a 5 gallon bucket... fill it with dog food, liver, old shrimp, etc... and a few rocks so it will sink. Tie to a 30 foot rope and tie the other end to a tree... sink the bucket and wait a day or so.

Return and shake the bucket... then start fishing. Use heavy line and strong hooks. Within a 1/2 hour you should be catching catfish fish.

Hi everybody

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:55 am
by blast from the past
Oh, yes - Cannot forget the puntat! The bass love to eat puntat! And aquarium enthusiasts will always have something to net and bring home for the tank!

Yes, the whopper bluegills! Bend your ultra light trout rod in half!

Florida Largemouth = Excellent, yes. These fish grow really fast and will not hesitate to eat tilapia, devils and bluegill. (good "balance" fish). America's favorite fish!

And, true, how could we not have channel catfish in the lake? Gotta have a few "river monsters" to keep everyone on their toes.

Happy fishing everyone. Be good to each other. Aloha is in the water and the trees as well. Islanders are blessed with good things.