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Top Hooker... tonight

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:52 am
by Stan Wright
"Top Hooker". Tonight... on episode #6, contestants will show their skill at backing a boat trailer and catching live catfish by hand. If Chris can catch catfish blindfolded like on last weeks show, I guess he can grab one with his hands. We'll see... He won't tell me anything... just tells me to "watch the show. LOL". Kids driving me crazy.

Here is a picture of Chris from last weeks show...

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:14 pm
by Ca_Bass
I enjoy seeing Chris on the show! He's doing really well and has proved to be quite versatile!

Top Hooker

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:51 am
by shanai
Way to go Chris! - You represented well

Inquiring minds want to know: where you able to keep all the stuff from the Bass pro station?


Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:11 am
by hanapa
Congrats again to Chris! His personality kept the show going! Way to represent the 808!