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DLNR at the Lake

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:31 pm
by Stan Wright
I hear that DLNR is active at Lake Wilson....
Checking for Fishing Licence
Entry Permits
Boat and trailer Registration
and ramp stickers.
Even had the tape measures out to make sure your boats were within the length limit for the lake.
Any comments?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:04 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
Have everything in order!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:23 pm
by Baires722
Sounds like the DLNR got tired of people crying to them....

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:57 am
So has anyone ever confirmed the ramp sticker issue? Some said yes need some say no the ramp is DAR not DLNR , either way seeing as its looked the same for the past 40 years I'm not happy to have to pay for something they don't upkeep

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:29 am
by roadwarriorsvt
I've heard that age old debate and spoke with the DLNR officer who issues citations at the boat ramp. He said the ramp sticker is needed so I get it every year. I don't need the headache of figuring it out in court.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:29 pm
have to agree with road warrior, but 50$ is pretty steep. i didn't mind so much the 25$ but 50$ for all they do for us? AKA "nothing" is pretty lame. however upon further research there is a statute online that says all ramps on state property are subject to the fee. thats a state park and the ramp is in the park so im guessing its either pay the 50$ or possibly pay more later. sure sucks seeing as the statute says 25$ but it got raised to 50$ by the dlnr and they pretty much dont even know whos in charge of what out there!

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:10 pm
by medc808
The only reason we wouldn't need a ramp sticker is if the ramp was not State property, which it may not be . . . According to the map of ramps, Lake Wilson ramp is privately owned. :shock: Curious and interesting.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 8:23 pm
i cant even find what the fine is for the offense , like i said before apparently they are more confused than we are. thats what happens when you have 20 state agencies all thinking they are in charge when they wanna be but when they dont then its another agencies problem.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:07 pm
got a call from DOBAR yesterday in regards to a ramp sticker i had gotten online. of course they were confused as to why i needed one when i had just registered my boat recently without one. anyways straightened that out and i questioned the lady about the ramp at the park and of course she said yes it was required. i asked why thier website said it wasnt one of the covered DOBAR sites and she didn't know why but insisted that the ramp fee needs to be on ALL trailers regardless. sounds like a typical bureaucratic mess,either way pay now or pay later i guess

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:18 pm
by Ahnkochee
No comment on DLNR/DOBOR :x


Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:33 am
by TheAlohaBoy
DLNR was in there at the lake today at 10:15AM, Monday 9/2/13. First time I had ever seen him, then again, rarely am I at the lake before 5PM.

Walking up from after 1 hour of no bites and ramp full of family/kids fishing. He asked if I had a fishing license.... (YEP!) Finally I thought to myself, I didn't waste $5.00 to buy one.. but he just said okay and didn't even ask to see it... LOL.

I commented to him that this is the first time I ever seen him at the lake, he replies, "that's cause your doing good things, I come down when I hear bad things.."

Anyways... I think he a pretty cool guy.. Then again, I'm not hiding anything...

Anyone have a boat for sale... still looking...