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First Hawaii Bassmasters Tournament

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:21 pm
by Stan Wright
Chris Wright wins! First Hawaii Bassmasters tourney, goes to Chris with 4lm bass weighing in at 9.6lbs.. Lunker of 3.1lbs!!!!! 2nd was Steve W with 7.6, Kelton 3rd with 7.1, and I took 4th with 6.11lbs..

See the Hawaii Bassmasters facebook page.

Your probably wondering what he caught the winning fish on?
Savage Gear lures


This is the lure that caught the big fish.



Reel, pause, twitch, reel, twitch, pause, twitch.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:24 pm
by Struggles2Paddle
congrats chris! I have a smaller version of that 4play in silver, should've thrown it. Maybe one day when i grow up I can catch a limit like all you guys lol!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:18 pm
well that had to be one of the worst downpours i have fished in for sure. managed to limit and cull by lunch despite the adverse conditions. wasnt the bass bonanza i was hoping for but after i figured something out i did manage to get 12 fish losing a couple at the boat. learned some valuable lessons for the next tourney and the fact that no matter how waterproof you think your tackle is, when there is 3-4 in of standing water in the boat even with the bilge on full blast. your in for alot of drying time when you get home! lake will be full if this keeps up!









Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:21 am
by OkumaDave
Congrats on the win Chris! Looks like you had some fun weather to fish in. The Savage Gear Finesse baits are awesome!

By the way, we launched the U.S. Savage website just this past week. That will be the site for all product that we are selling into the US markets.

Good luck out there!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:22 am
by Filthyfisherman
Congrads to CHRIS!!!!!!!!! Die Hard Bass Anglers took the water yesterday braving the RAIN in the first Hawaii Bassmasters tourney!!! Chris wins with 9.6 lbs and the Lunker pot with a Nice Kicker at 3.1lbs!!!!!!! Chris and I were the only two to head torwards the dam in the morning,, everyone else took off south.. The single file 1 minute spaceing launch went off excellent!!!!! Next Tourney Last place this tourney starts 1st now next,,, No Passing Rule until BSI!!!!! .. Water Temps around 68-70 stained 2 ft, Level 72.50 "2lines under C&R tag". I landed one early on a deep jerk bait, and that was it for a while.. Brent got one on a deep steep bank. The saddle is were I got all my fish.. 5 total for the day??? Wasted some time up North and fished some grass along Kincades with No Luck... Chris def found a good pattern!!!!! he could get out of the rain some too were he was!!!!! I hammered Brent with rain!!!! ,,, We fished straight up in middle of some biggest downpours I have fished!!!! It was a great expirence tho!!! I beleave the next tourney and future tourney's will just get better!!!!!!!! Surpprised a Few guys didn't show??? But with the weather,,, don't blame you!!!!! But anyone who was up in the air about fishing with us,,,,, Needs to come to the future tourneys!!! It was a well organized and friendly tourney!!!!!! Everyone dispite the RAIN everyone was laughing and having fun with one another!!!!!!!! Good Time!!!!!! Please join us Next month!!!

6 anlgers
5 boats
Lunker 3.1lbs 17.5"
17 LM Bass Weighed in ,,,, All released Healthy! No Tags,, and one had a growth on pectoral fin "nothing major". Successful tourney for HawaiiBassmasters!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:47 am
by Stan Wright
Congratulations Jeff, sounds like everyone had a great time and the Hawaii Bassmasters Tournament is off to a good start.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:47 am
by Stan Wright
Got this today from Dave Brown: Regional Sales Manager Savage Gear USA.

Very nice Stan! I put a link to the post on our Savage Gear USA Facebook page. He’s even gotten some praise from the creator of our baits, Mads Grossell. ... 9117904839

Please pass this along to Chris.

Talk to you guys soon!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:54 am
by Ca_Bass
Looks like it was a good tourney! Maybe I'll get stationed out there a gain someday!

I bet the rain was tough to fish in, definitely helps to have the right gear for the conditions nature can throw at you....otherwise it can be flat out miserable!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:44 pm
by Struggles2Paddle
Ca_Bass wrote:Looks like it was a good tourney! Maybe I'll get stationed out there a gain someday!

I bet the rain was tough to fish in, definitely helps to have the right gear for the conditions nature can throw at you....otherwise it can be flat out miserable!

I was wearing full rain gear but by the end of the day I was soaked through

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:03 pm
by Stan Wright
So was Chris... His rain gear was as wet on the inside as it was on the outside.
He said it did block the wind.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:39 pm
by Ca_Bass
The bass pro shops bone dry rain gear have worked phenomenally for me and they are about 1/3 the price of a gortex rain suit. Only thing that gets wet are my hands and feet depending on my shoes. I can also stick my hands in my live well without rolling the sleeves up and my arm stays dry due to the neoprene cuffs in the sleeve.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:17 pm
by Struggles2Paddle
I was using the bass pro bone dry suspender pants and they worked until I sat down and then the water started seeping through

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:43 pm
i was wearing a surplus military gortex suit and it worked for awhile but after an hour or so in the really heavy stuff it began to fail. i was layered in sweatshirt underneath which helped even after it soaked through kinda like a wetsuit so thankfully i wasn't to cold but i was pretty well wet everywhere!
glad to hear it wasn't just an old suit failing

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:03 pm
by Pegasus
" The apple does not fall far from the tree ! " Like father like son ! Way to go Chris. That perch model lure looks a lot like a 5-star. I may just have to get one of those .

The pictures are awesome. The volume of water coming out of the drain near the road is amazing. The lake went up to 78 ft. overnight. Good day to test out that bilge pump. Should shut things down for a few days...........

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:19 pm
by Ca_Bass
If gortex and bone dry stop working that really must have been wet! I can't say I've ever fished in rain that bad! But I can say I don't want to :)

I think my worst weather experience was November 2011, air temp was 26 water temp was 45...and I guess I didn't screw my drain plug in very well. It also happened to be i was fishing a tournament and didn't want to lose the time of putting it back on the trailer. So pulled up on a point and jumped in! Not fun but i was only cold for about 10 minutes.

I had found that muddy water in the winter is by far the toughest condition to fish at wilson. The only baits i had manage fish on with some success were white buzzbaits, lucky craft splash tails and lipless cranks. I really miss having a big tuc blow up a topwater!