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Solo Stove

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:55 am
by Stan Wright

Anyone tried this wood burning back packing stove?

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:40 pm
by Ahnkochee
WOW Never heard of the company but it sure looks good. I've been using my alcohol burning Swedish Trangia, and US made Brasslite stoves. I was seriously considering the take-apart Emberlit twig stove for free fuel camping but may reconsider. You can find great videos on each type on YouTube.

Trangia Stove ... 983&sr=8-4

Brasslite Stove

Emberlit Stove

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:33 pm
by Ken
I have a penny stove (soda can stove). I work in the lab and get all the 95% ethanol I need...since I'm the one responsible for diluting 70% ethanol out of 95% ethanol for the lab. :wink: Penny stoves are easy to make...and burns clean and hot. In a survival situation, all you need are two soda cans, a stove and a thumb tac. In a real survival situation, just give me a ferro rod and some tinder. :lol:

Stan, I've seen lots of YouTube videos of those wood burning stove. There are instructions also for making your own wood stove out of three need to buy one :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:16 pm
by Ahnkochee
Here's an alcohol burner I made from a 25oz. Foster's beer can and a Friskies catfood can. Burns great with both 91% isopropol alcohol, and denatured alcohol. It fit's inside my $5 folding Sterno stove perfectly as does my Trangia burner like the one above.

Image :wink:

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:10 pm
by Filthyfisherman
I saw this last week and was very intrested in it! I have done my fair of camping Being a "Life rank" Scout myself. I have only camped the beaches at Dillingham since I've been here, but plan on much more camping here.... But Tomarrow I leave for PA to see my daughter and folks, get some fishing in,, my college roomates wedding at Pittsburgh zoo, and then to CA to get my Boat!!!!! First real BassBoat!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Stoked!!!!!!! In CA I will be stopping at Lake Perris on my way San Deigo to ship it!!!! At Lake Perris I will camp out,,,, Tent it up, hydrated food packs, I have to rent a campsite 45$!!!!!!!!!!! Electric, showers, pretty pimped but 45$ to camp! I am locked in, no turning back now so! I am breaking in the engine and trying to get a spotted bass! Haven't got one yet, they stocked Alabama Spots in there! Plus some pig LM have been caught! The stove you got there looks pretty good! And the self made ones! I have always used this type mini stove pictured here. I get small fuel canisters which I also use for a gas lantern I have, So I only carry the littlest as possible!!!! I'll buy a gas canister at Bass Pro CA! So 12,000miles traveling to camp in CA for 3 days, Also carrying over 100 packs of lures for 2 of my Pro Angler friends fishing now!!! I'll keep you up to date as this adventure starts tomarrow!!!!
