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Camping over night on boat or on an island

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:41 pm
by TheAlohaBoy
Okay. Before I get hate mail or scolded....I'm new so bare with me.

I want to camp on the lake over night. On the boat even. or on one of those islands (lake Wilson).

Is it possible? I was going to knock on the rangers door to ask, but I figured there are homeless ppl on the shore part, why not?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:02 pm
by Stan Wright
Boy Scout Island got it's name because there were scouts camping there every weekend. It was a show place, better cared for than any park.

Then one day the state said: "No more camping."

Recently we tried to get permission for out Troop to camp out at the Park there at the boat ramp... NO GO. (I told them we should just go camping and if anyone said anything, just tell them we're homeless) That way no one would say or do anything. :lol:

From time to time there have been all night fishing tournaments. I think the club just checked in with the ranger to let him know they would be parked there overnight... not sure, I never fished one.

You could always park at Kemoo Farm and use that as your "launch site".
Before the Fishing Park was built that's where everyone kept their boats chained to trees.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:35 am
by TheAlohaBoy
thank you.

My buddy and i will be "homeless" if anyone ask. Ignore our boat.. we said homeless not boatless. LOL

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:11 pm
overnight camping on the lake is prohibited, however I've never seen a dlnr officer after dark anywhere on the island. if it were me id wait till midsummer before you decide to venture out for the overnight trip. keep in mind once your in your in, it gets mighty cold up there in the winter, and even worse when the wind blows. the dew point is nearly always met and you end up soaked even with rain gear on, ohhh and the rain brrrrrr don't forget to watch the weather report man its miserable if it rains at night!!! bring lots of snacks and a layers of clothes to keep the dew off the skin,you won't be dry but maybe it will help keep you warm. bad news is the fishing won't be so good. tucs shut down at night, bass will bite in the warmer months under a full moon especially but during the winter not so much. the good news is the catfish bite all the time, although i have caught as many in the day as at night so i don't think it makes much difference. another plus is its so cold you don't have near the mosquitos you will have during the summer!! my advice is wait but you seem pretty stoked and i can't say i haven't been there so id bring lots to snack on and warm stuff in a thermos for sure. lots of warm clothes and a tarp just in case. an anchor or a branch clip to tie up somewhere, sucks to fall asleep and wake up drifting somewhere else. lots of small lamps, don't wanna make to much light. and get permission to leave your trailer next to the rangers house where it will be safer. lastly i did have a friend a few years ago who was called into the bank by a police officer with a spotlight, it was after 10 or so and someone had complained about the outboard noise. luckily the officer had no clue your not supposed to be out on the lake at night and he got off with a warning about noise pollution. use the trolling motor after dark as much as possible so as not to disturb to many people. good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:48 pm
by TheAlohaBoy
So should I knock on the Ranger Door and Ask? Is that a DNLR dude or just a live in park care taker?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:46 am
im not sure how if he will be ok with it or not but its certainly better than leaving the car and trailer unattended anywhere else, id be worried even if it were left in the park itself.