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spinnerbait and crankbait

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:12 pm
by marcusn
was wondering about some info on those two lures. color, size, brand......was using a green spinnerbait today and caught 2 largmouth preety quick. my first time using these baits so i wanted to know a little more about them.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:49 pm
by Ca_Bass
Where to start with cranbaits?

Well there are surface or wake crabkbaits that hardly dive.
Shallow divers 1-4ft or so
Medium divers 4-8ft or so
Deep divers 8-12ft or so
And really deep divers that can dive up to 20ft.
Oh and can't forget the lipless crankbait.

And with all those crankbaits there are even more differences: fat and slim bodied crankbaits, square and roundbill crankbaits, floating crankbaits(most are), suspending crankbaits, sinking crankbaits. Some floating crankbaits float up faster than others and that can be key. Some crankbaits have wide wobbles some have tight wobbles. Some have rattles, some are plastic and some are balsa wood.

You can add lead stickers to floating crankbaits to make them suspend or float more slowly.

Then your line choice is a big factor as it changes how deep they run and their action to a certain extent.

Spinnerbaits I think are much more simple. You have the different weights and blades. The blades are key! There are willow blades, indiana blades and colorado blades. many spinnerbaits have a combonation of the two. Usually a larger willow will have a small colorado, indiana or another willow.

Willow blades are generally used for faster fishing in water that clearer. They provide more flash but less vibaration.

Indiana blades give off more vibration than a willow and less than a colorado. More flash than a colarado but less than a willow. Good for a slight stain to the water

Colorado blades give off the most vibration and the least flash. They are a good choice for dingy water and the slow rolling technique.

You also have to account for the overall profile of your spinnerbait. Try to match the hatch in most scenarios.

White and chartuse are good colors for dingy water. More natural/translucent colors are good for clear water.

Black is a good color for night fishing.
For wilson I use a silver shad tyoe color the most, but I also will use white and chartruse. Wind always seems to be key for a good spinnerbait bite.

Also finding the retrieve they want is very important. I generally start at a moderate pace and keep the spinnerbait a foot or two under the surface. If I have a few fish bump my bait I will speed it up. Sometimes they want it ran right at the surface with the blades creating a wake other times they want it dead slow bumping rocks and sticks . Sometimes you will be doing really good on a certain retrieve for a few hours and it will shut off. Some people might switch their lure choice all together. I usually will try to fish my spinnerbait a little different before I abandon it. Spinnerbaits are great for many types of cover and they have a high hookup ratio, so whenever they are bitting it I will try to keep using it. Spinnerbaits also catch good quality fish and cover lots of water quickly. Another bonus for wilson is the tucs and bass both eat em. Tucs seem to like smaller willow blades and smaller profile spinnerbaits.

Not all spinnerbaits are created equal, I'm a big fan of the booyah spinnerbaits. The wire a spinnerbait is made from is important too. The wire can cause more or less vibration. Also you can tweak you spinnerbaits, the distance from the hook to the blades can cause you bait to run higher or lower. You can adjust this yourself. You can also change your own blades to experiment. That way you don't have to buy 50 different baits to get a bunch of different combos. Fish will usually bend your wire a bit when you hook them and you will have to re-tune them after each fish so they don't roll over. I always make sure my bait is running straight up and down. If it tilts to the left I will bend the wire to right.

Hope this helps...and actually doesn't make it more complicated. Just experiment and you will figure it out.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:05 pm
terminator spinnerbaits! the titanium wire gives even a tuc a tuff time to bend and they have quick change skirts so you can color change without needing 20 spinnerbaits. a few even come with extra skirts, they are a bit pricer but well worth it! get a few 1/4 ounce a few 1/2 ounce and a few 3/4 ounce and your good to go! the weight isnt as important as the size, youd be surprised the diffrence in size from weight to weight. silver/white are good and chartreuse/firetiger. those colors and sizes will get you thrue anything. cranks id do the same for color and just get a few mid size to large size with a few small ones. no need to get to fancy........ that will come with time hahahaha

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:14 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
Funny you mention Terminator spinnerbaits. Sports Authority mistakenly brought some in and put them in the bargin bin. At $3.XX ea., I tried to buy them out!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:48 pm
by marcusn
leave any for me?? :D

rods and reels

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:28 am
For those type of lures you may want to consider getting a baitcasting setup ( if you do not have one). Those types of lures tend to have more resistance on the retrieve, but you can use spinning tackle. I use spinning tackle simply because I cannt afford having alot of different setups.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:27 pm
by marcusn
haha ya, when i was using that spinnerbait, i was using a fenwick trout rod. the retrieve of the lure felt like i was fighting a fish haha