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uh pond

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:14 pm
by marcusn
i was also wondering if the uh pond was open to anyone who wants to fish it (catch and release of course).the one with the state record pacu. by the way all you guys out there who do hiking to go to smallmouth bass streams send me a message if you wanna go. im in 10th grade so i have school but im free on weekends. so far ive tried the creek that flows into lake wilson. if you wanna tell me some other streams id appreciate that! i need some fishing partners since whenever i go on hikes its with my mom or dad that just sit on the side and read a book :roll:

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:40 pm
by boneless
Hi Marcus. I take my kids fishing in the UH pond sometimes. We've caught a bunch of different cichlid species (convict, jewel banded, midas, and jaguar) and I hooked and lost a koi. I haven't seen any pacu so I can't say for sure if there are still any in there. I'm not sure if it's officially OK, but we've never been kicked out. Bread and flies both work. Good luck.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:07 pm
by marcusn
thanks for the reply boneless! could you tell me a general area of where the pond is located if you dont mind?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:00 pm
by Stan Wright
It was OK to fish there 42 years ago.... when the whole place was a real quarry covered in thorns, brush and blowing dust.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:23 am
by Ca_Bass
You know out of all the cichlids released into wilson jaguar cichlids are my favorite..I only have caught one but he was pretty big I also saw two more that looked like they were guarding a nest. They remind me of crappies. I caught it in a plastic worm too.

Sometime in the next month or two I'm going to go hicking for smallies...I just have to get a new 4wt fly rod first..mine broke freakishly while casting.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:24 pm
by Ken
Stan Wright wrote:It was OK to fish there 42 years ago.... when the whole place was a real quarry covered in thorns, brush and blowing dust.

Some of us weren't even a thought at that time. :P

To marcusn,

Keep a low profile...and you should be okay to fish there still. Be respectful of the area as always. Don't leave rubbish (especially fishing related rubbish like lines, hooks, packages...etc) and if you see rubbish, pick it up, pack it out and put it in the rubbish can.

Last time I was there, the place was clean. I went on a weekend and in the morning so there were only a few pretty college joggers passing by. No one gave us stink eye.

Bring some bread and some small AH or MZ hooks. They love bread.

All I remember in terms of direction was that the pond was near tennis courts. Look on GoogleMaps and you should be able to find it. We kind of walked around looking for the pond so I don't remember the exact direction.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:50 pm
by Ca_Bass
I used to fish at hickam in front of the officers housing...we weren't supposed to fish there. But it was really good fishing..a lot of bonefish, papio and hammerheads so my buddy and I figured it was worth the risk. We would usually get kicked out by base police after a few hours but we were always respectful and didn't cause a ruckus so they would just tell us we aren't allowed to fish there and we would act suprised then leave :D

When I lived in Arizona I would sneek into cave creek golf course at sunset and slay the bass. Each time I fished at the golf course would usually catch at least one 5lb bass...big bass usually seem to bite more at night. I would also bring a flashlight and find the bass in the water and it didn't seem to spook them.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:28 pm
by tkki1230
boneless wrote:Hi Marcus. I take my kids fishing in the UH pond sometimes. We've caught a bunch of different cichlid species (convict, jewel banded, midas, and jaguar) and I hooked and lost a koi. I haven't seen any pacu so I can't say for sure if there are still any in there. I'm not sure if it's officially OK, but we've never been kicked out. Bread and flies both work. Good luck.

It's been 30 years since I've been to the quarry. How do you get to it nowadays? And where do you guys park?