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Just got back to painting and wanting to share...

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:00 am
by Ken
It's been almost 10 years since I've touched a paint brush...

Still need lots of practice to bring back what I had before...


Painting is such a great's not that expensive...and you can have hours and hours of fun. The above painting only took 3 hours...I used to work on a piece for days...

Media: Acrylic (not the best's a student acrylic...and it's pretty hard to work with actually. I used to use better paint in highschool).

Please critique away...I still have lots to learn.

Here are some sketches and paintings I found...there are lots that I couldn't find...but these are probably some of my best (hence they stuck around). I'll see if I can scan a picture of a 8' x 5' mural my best bud and I did during our last year of highschool.

1998...age 15

(Colour pencil)






2000...age 17 (Got into surrealism)

(Chalk pastel and colour pencil)


2001...age 18 (Got into impressionism)







^ My personal 2nd favourite...the mural is my favourite.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 7:20 am
by Stan Wright
Here are 2 pictures that Mike Sakamoto did for me.
Not many people knew he was an artist.

Hawaii Largemouth Bass

Hawaii Peacock Bass

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:14 am
by Stan Wright
I, on the other hand have a long way to go
compared to you guys.
Here are a few of the water colors I did in
the "Fun with Paint" class at the Kaneohe Senior
Citizens Center.

Our teacher said not to put bold colors right next to each other...
it would end up looking like stained glass....
So I figured, well let's go to the extreme.

Peacock Bass

Red Salmon

My first try at painting a fish.... For those who can't tell,
it's suppose to be a bluegill about to eat a mayfly.


I found this really neat web site about a guy who did a book
on flys. He painted one a day, for 365 days.

I think drawing flys is a lot easier
than trying to draw lures. :D

There can be so many colors in a fly.
just use your imagination.

This is my favorite.
I love the expression on the face.

One thing about art work that I've noticed....
Go for the over all impression of a painting.
The further away from the painting you stand...
the better it looks...
Especially MY art work.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:18 am
by Ken
Stan, don't sell yourself short...those are some really great pieces! I love your signature. :wink:

Art is an expression...there's no right or in the eye of the beholder so to speak. There's beauty in most pieces of art. :D I said most...because I've seen some that I just don't understand. :lol:

Didn't know you had it in you. :D Next time, we could talk art too. :D

BTW, if you happen to be on Ke'ehi Lagoon next time, would you mind taking some pictures of the area for me? Some pictures of the mangroves and the flats? The airport area...some of the backwater shallows...

I need some reference for the background. I'm going to paint a 3-part piece of the memory I had fishing with you for o'io out on those flats :D

A few pictures of your aluminum boat from different angles would be great too! :D

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:42 am
Wow Ken, I wish I could draw like that. I like the pencil sketches the best. Kind of knew Stan had it in him, not only because of his photography background, I also noticed he likes to doodle.

Off topic but on your life list of species, does it have to be just fish?

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:00 am
by Ken

I started sketching again also (takes much less time than a painting...and much more flexiblity). Actually, I've never stopped sketching. Sometimes, I'll sketch someone on the subway on the way to work...but it's usually on scrap paper and I usually only have 20min on the train so most of them are not complete.

Now I started sketching pictures from newspaper. It gives me a little more time to work on the sketch. Maybe I'll put some of my recent ones up later as well.

I need a new sketch book since I lost my old one after I moved apartments :roll:

As for the life list...yes, it is fish only...and all of them have to be fair catches (no snagging) with hook and line only. Doesn't matter if it is handlines, trolled lines or fly lines. But it must be a legitimate bite (so if I ever snagged a paddlefish, it cannot count).

Actually, it is up to 120 now. I reaffirmed a couple of minnow species a few weeks ago. There are some fish species I've caught but they were not put on the list (mainly minnow species and invasive species like the round goby). But if I catch them again and I can take a picture of them, then I'll put them up onto the list.

Just an interesting tidbit. Small fish on my list is a 4" prickly sculpin from British Columbia...and the largest fish on my list is the 120lb ahi from Waianae side. I have actually caught an even smaller fish (2" emerald shiner on a #26 hook and a microscopic piece of worm...we were bait fishing at the time :lol: ). But since it was a bait species, I had not count it...and I don't have a picture either (not that every species on my list at the moment has a picture to go with it. At one point, I was debating whether to count only those with a clear picture...but then it would remove some interesting species on my list :? )

I recently started counting all species since I counted quite a few reef species from Hawaii...and in your eyes, they are probably trash fish (mamo, kupipi, hinalea, lizardfish...etc). In my eyes, they are one of a kind rare catch. So to be fair to my local fish species, I have to keep to the same standard. Small or big, prized sportfish or bait long as it is a hook and line catch, it will go on the list :D

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:57 am
by Ken
Here's what I'm currently working on...


It's a collage of images I found on the internet...but it's basically the way I imagine the moment we got a strike from the 120lb yellowfin tuna off the coast of Waianae. We ran to the spot after seeing a single tern in the air circling...then dipping down...and as we got closer, we started to see some spinner dolphins. Our first pass by the dolphins resulted in a screaming reel. :D

Hopefully I can start this painting on the weekend :D

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:12 pm
by fisher dude
I like that last one! I miss my boat but I don't miss the 100 dollars of fuel I used to use! And all the other expenses that go with a saltwater boat. Nice sketch!

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:38 am
by Stan Wright
If you gave a sketch of that to the guy who took you fishing, he would be your friend for life.... that's the kind of "memories" that you just can't get with a photograph.