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Fisherman unite to Clean Lake Wilson.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:13 pm
by Salmon_Slayer
So I was noticing that the area around the freshwater park was caked with trash and other debris. Not to say that thats the only place that has a trash problem but I personally think that we as fisherman and also as conservations, we need to help to eradicate this problem to make the lake fishable for generations to come. If you have any ideas on how we can go about this besides, just us the fisherman picking it up each time we go let me know. Maybe some sort of get together at the freshwater park and then we can go and start to pick up around there and move around the lake. Now I understand that some of you probably think that there is no point or that it will take forever to get the job done. But, think of the benefits. Plus, once its done then it wont be that hard to stay on top of. And when people see what we have done they will want to help keep it that way and have a sense of pride in something that helps to bring in money for the local area. Just some food for thought. But I personally like catching those tucs and also everthing that else that the lake has to offer.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:01 am
by Tajue17
this works,,,, I'm from Boston but I can tell you I have seen this done in numerous places locally and once people step up and do this other people will step up and follow... once enough are involved they unintentially become like watchmen over the lake and little by little as people are seen throwing down trash and then asked not too word will be out to don't litter there because everyone is watching..

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:10 am
actually i always bring a small trash bag to pick up things i see as i fish. some days its quite full others not so much.once in awhile ill grab bigger things like a cooler or a tire or bucket. but theres so much thats big and bulky, and of course im trying to fish,its often what i see in netting distance as i fish.if every boat did this it might help but lets face it wahiawa isnt the most upper echelon and alot of people do care but the few that dont sure make a huge mess by tossing everything over the side into the lake. i have seen clean up days at the lake where we filled dumpsters! only to see it look much the same in a few weeks.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:22 am
by roadwarriorsvt
As good of an idea as it is, I'm with BASSTRACKER. As long as the homeless (and other non-caring) are around, it will go right back to the way it was.

On the other hand, if all the news/media got a phone call informing them of this, a little positive light on the Lake Wilson fishermen never hurts.

Actually, I've done this before. Many 4 wheelers got together to clean up Kaena Point. We filled an entire Rolloff's container in 4 hours! Here's the vid I made (if you're bored)

I'd be down to help. The trash probably will come back, eventually, but its an opportunity to show we do care about the lake.


Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:34 pm
by Stan Wright
For years the HFFA got together with the community and the military to clean up the lake. (our boats enede up a real mess ... Hauling people and trash bags around the lake.... LOL) There is a bunch of stuff that is too big and messy to put in a trash ban and haul away in a boat.... my boat anyway.

When they cleaned up that point by the bridge where the homeless people lived it took 17 dump truck loads to haul away all the stuff.

Notice all the trash is on the south fork behind the condos and apartments... Not the Private Homes?????

I haven't even mentioned how everything tossed onto the streets washes into the gutters and right into the lake. Oil, fast-food cups and packages, bottles..... it's a mess. It isn't the tourist littering all the streets and highways. It isn't the Military doing the littering.... it's the locals. I've seen people dump their McDonalds trash out the car window in the parking lot when they were parked right infront of the trash can.

Lots of people just dump their trash over the back fence into the yard. I've called the Health Department about those apartments on the right just after the bridge several times.

OK, let's do this..... ALL OF US.

1. Bring it up at the next HFFA meeting.

2. It's also about time to call the TV stations again and give them a "ride around the lake".

3. Call the legislatures and city council member from Wahiawa and ask for a "Community Cleanup" (They love that kind of publicity)

4. Call the State Department of Health and complain about specific things in specific places. They are very nice and are concerned. They will send out inspectors and give you a follow up call to let you know what they found and the action taken. (Ask if they would like a boat ride) LOL

5. Write to those newspaper and TV stations that take complaints and answer questions. (June @ Kokua Line) Keep it short and sweet.
Ask about who one might contact to do, or organize, a cleanup.
Politions are very aware of what the public is thinking and they are ready to jump on this kind of band waggon.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:29 pm
by Salmon_Slayer
Ok thats what I was hoping to hear. Now, I can work thru the media. If anybody wants to volunteer for other places to make calls and send lets lets get this started. Thanks to everybody who posted a reply. And Im sure that members of the Military will be moring than willing to help also. To many of us fish and cant stand to see things like that.

Fisherman unite to Clean Lake Wilson.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:35 pm
by tkpeltier
I'm in for cleaning up the lake. I don't know how we'd get that motorcycle out though. Have you guys noticed all the car batteries along the bank where the homeless used to live under the bridge, sad.