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snakehead- live bait only?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:56 am
by Boatless
Was just watching Fishzilla on NGC on Hulu. Anyone ever caught one on a lure? and according to the program, if these fish are that resilient and aggresive, should it be eradicated from the lake? And anyone know which species inhabits the lake?

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:43 pm
by Ken
These guys are from Thailand...but they do catch snakeheads using lures. From what I can gather, they strike viciously and put up a great fight. ... owlan.html

If I visit my parents in Hong Kong in the near future, I'm hoping to hop over to Thailand to spend a couple of days fishing with my dad on one of these excursions...most likely I'll try for mekong catfish and redtail catfish in one of the ponds.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 6:20 pm
by Stan Wright
We use to catch them all the time, but not that many these days. Everyone keeps them to eat. Largest I ever caught was 7 pounds.

The bass fishermen hated them because the sharp teeth would distroy an expensive fishing lure.... especially the balsa wood lures. LOL

There use to be a warning about the sharp teeth in the little fishing rules booklet you got with your fishing licence.

Here is a picture of one caught in Dec.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:57 am
by BadBass
my first day on the lake about a month ago i seen one and didnt know what it was. It was at the surface near the waters edge i got excited when i saw it because it looked preastoric. If i would have caught it The last thing i would have done is eat it . Are they safe to eat?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:36 am
by roadwarriorsvt
As safe as any other fish in the lake. I've had one chase after my spinnerbait but didn't commit. I hear they are good eating. If I catch one I'll find out! 8)

They Taste just AWFUL!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:19 pm
by Fresh&Salty
OH they taste just ....... A W F U L ....... Yuk ...... Peeehuey! Give be a shout I'll take them off your hands LOL

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:52 pm
by Ahnkochee
Snakeheads have been in Hawai'i 150 years first brought over by Chinese immigrants as a food source along with Puntat and Rice Paddy Eels all being air breathers so easy transport on slow boat from China. If they were going to take over they would have ALONG time ago. Back in the 70s/80s still had plenty. I once saw a dead one floating with a large carp stuck in it's throat, this thing was easy 4 feet long. They have white flesh and tastes like Mahimahi. I wish they still had plenty, I personally like seeing them.

pongee eradication?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:45 am
by clay
the only thing that needs to be eradicated from the lake is all that trash. the pongs are fine.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:28 pm
by wahiawabasshunter
I caught one on my first experience on the lake with a boat..Right on the shore of boyscout island..thought it was a bass..when i got it up it scared the hell out of was all slimy with sharp teeth..dont like them and definatly wouldnt eat them as well as anything from the lake

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:25 am
by skunked
I also like seeing them. In no way are they ever or have ever come close to taking over the lake. The mainland press like to blow things out of proportion. They've been there for at least a decade and you never hear of them taking over any body of water there. The real threats are things like Salvinia Molesta and those crazy flying carp that are spreading across the U.S. I'd much rather have more Pongee in the lake than those worthless red devils, stick fish, and Jewel/banded/convict cichlids. Those and the tucs are what really did in the largemouth bass population.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:29 pm
snakeheads fight hard and used to be quite plentiful, never tried eating em but here they are great.only watch out for the teeth and damned things will tear up lures! watch out for them expensive swimbaits! hahah agree with skunked,get rid of all the monster aquarium fish! dont think the tucs are the cause of the bass decline, more like loss of prey. tucs love to chase shad, bass are ambush predators,less crayfish...... and banks full of red devils competing for territory and prey. theres the decline.