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catfish bait

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:17 am
by fisher dude
wondering whats the best catfish bait for you guys i use just minnows with a split shot tried stink bait but not much action just small ones and general area best for catfish in lake? not keeping them. tucs been slow so next time im going to sit back in my boat in the shade and just try for catfish.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:10 pm
by BadBass
hey fisher dude thats what i did today. i was trying for bass and had one but he got off and saw one chasing but none landed. i used that chicken blood from sports authority and caught one but when i went to an area that has lots of catfish i didnt catch any. Plus that stuff is still on my fingers! stink stuff. that bait aint happening they should call it butt balls. or dodo wads, cat crap, daiper dumplings but to just call it chicken blood doesnt do it justice. Maybe a warning on the package to let you know you are basicly playing with dodo.LOL


Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:31 pm
by Stan Wright
Before it was stolen, I had a "wildlife feeder" hanging from a tree out over the water. In less than a week there were big catfish (and other kinds of fish) all around that area. I had it filled with cheep cat and dog food.

I like to use live bait.... everything eats that and it doesn't smell like the commercial catfish bait does.

If your a regular at the lake, just tossing a few cups of dry dog food in the same spot every time attracts fish. A burlap bag filled with dog food and hung in the water or weighted with rocks (dog food floats) and sunk will "bait" a place and you'll have new Secret Spot in just a few days.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:06 pm
by BadBass
funny you should bring up the dog food cat food thing. I have a koi pond and paying for koi food got expsensive so i started feeding them with my cats cat food. as soon as the koi see me they come right up to me. i always joke about my koi meeyowing at me when its feeding time. Good points about preping a spot. thanks


Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:10 pm
by roadwarriorsvt
I've found that the very best catfish bait is chicken livers. Use a bait knife to cut chunks off, not ripping them. I've used the store bought bait balls with limited sucess. If the catfish are there and really hungry, they'll hit the store bought stuff, but chicken livers is the best bait hands down. If they don't hit the livers, that ain't hitting nothing at all. I recently tried canned soft cat food mixed with flour, to make a thick dough. It pulled in several fish.

As far as feeding koi, there is a catfish/talopia pellet feed at Land O' Lakes in Campbell Industrial. They sell the 50# bags for $26.00. Got with whatever is cheapest. The koi near my "oasis" love it!!


Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 10:10 pm
by fisher dude
yeah i tried that crap literally from sports authority i had catfish i was feeding on the top and put a small piece on a floater and they would go up to it but wouldnt eat it. I dont blame them. i usually use a earth worm but humbug to get so usually minnow with a small split shot on light line usually does the trick but nothing with the stink baits.