Ken.... great ideas. Every so often the HFFA has a "Work Day" at the hatchery. Guys from the bass club pitch in. I'm sure we could get more volunteers out to help if we advertised it a little more??????
I know what you mean about a fishing licence... Alaska is $60 something and you had to buy a special stamp. NZ was $29 a day. Las Vegas was only $12 something I think????
I've been trying to get Hawaii to adopt a Saltwater Fishing Licence for over 30 years. Surely a fisherman could afford to spend the price of one fishing lure for a licence.... We also talked about a special Trout Stamp to raise more money.
And don't forget all those matching funds from the Feds. Spend $1 and they give the state $3.
I have no idea what's going to end up happening with the lake level.
The good news is the ramp has been cleaned and every little rain keeps the water level from going any lower.
(Some e-mails and phone calls did get the boat ramp cleaned) Thank you Neal.
The bad news is there is something wrong with the dam or the gates that regulate the water level.... That probably won't be fixed real soon. (just a guess there)
The state and Dole, who owns the lake, are scared to death about liability after that dam break on Kauai killed those people. I heard that's why the water level is not up by the spillway like a few years ago. They are afraid of that "250" year flood. The state wants to be able to let the flood water out of the lake in a controled manner. (fix the water gates?)
Water Gates
What was I thinking?
I wish the lake was full.... water level was up by the spillway....
But I guess we'll just have to be happy with what we have for the time being.
And guard it like a Momma Bear if someone trys to take it away from us......