Speeding boats

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Speeding boats

Postby medc808 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:32 pm

Auwe to the two people who came in to the Lake Wilson boat ramp just after 5:30. Speeding around the corner causing waves that made the water come up on shore at least a foot. After they left in a white Blazer,another boat came in. They were wet and upset. The first boat drove by so fast, causing big waves that capsized their boat. They lost poles, a battery, cell phones, camera, etc... While we were only worried about getting our feet, chair and poles wet, the two fishermen lost a lot. As we left the parking lot, we noticed there was one more boat trailer...praying they made it in safe.

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:48 pm

thats really lame, i hope its not one of the regulars that caused it. I'm as guilty as anyone of running on plane once in awhile but you just have to be so careful and pay attention especially on corners. even at slow speed a rubber raft or kayak would take a serious hit. and always respect the shore guys, its tuff enuff climbing the banks without getting waves washing over em. i know the boats and engines are getting somewhat bigger and bigger recently. i have had a few guys go by at full plane and send some serious waves by, thankfully i have a deeper draft than a johnboat. glad they made it in, sorry for the loss of your gear. send a shout out, i have some extra stuff i can part with if you want it.

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Postby roadwarriorsvt » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:23 pm

What was the boat's decription? There are only so many boats on the lake. Someone should let them know what they did and give them a chance to make it right (if they have any class).
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Postby medc808 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:19 pm

Looked like a bass boat with a high chair on front, side console on right + 1 other chair next to driver and HUGE motor on back...I was corrected and the car was a White Land Rover.

Small boat that over turned looked like a Livingston, maybe 8 feet with only electric motor., brought down to lake by a small black SUV no trailer.

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Postby KIA68 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:30 pm

Wasn't me......I have a 15hp tiller motor!! i can't even make a wake!! :roll:

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Postby Stan Wright » Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:04 pm

Just spoke with the guy who got swamped and flipped the boat over.
They lost some expensive rods and reels... lures... battery.

He is going to try and recover them if he can get off work this week.

From the spot he described, the water is probably about 15 to 20 feet deep. (probably more now that the water is up)

What do you guys figure?
Big treble hook on a strong line to snag the rods?
I wonder if a big magnet might not get some of the lures?
Anybody do scuba diving?

As far as the speed limit goes....
Even at 5 MPH most of our bass boats throw up a wake that you can wake board on.

I guess that slowing down to "NO WAKE" when we're around other boats and shore fishermen (or the places where they might be) is something we should try harder to do.

I also have a feeling that we're going to sees a lot more of the DLNR patrolling the lake to make sure all our "I's" are dotted and our "T's" are crossed.

It's bad enough to loose your gear and ruin your day of fishing... we're just very lucky that no one was injured... or worse...
"Why let the truth stand in the way of a good fish story?"

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Postby Filthyfisherman » Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:49 pm

Ya,,, thats a new guy... A ranger with a 150 I think... Saw him when he first got the thing and was helping him figure out how to start the thing.... It's a pretty big boat for a rookie? expecially at wilson.. I learned my leason! Well a lot of it was "Tim Driving" when he was here helping FF.... Iam game for slowing down to NO Wake around around boats fishing and bank fisherman.. Least it will show them we patrol ourselves.. . Yes DLNR was there today at the ramp. Looked like someone was getting citied... Parking lot was Full... Got my new Trolling engine set up!!!! My boat is a fishing monster now!!!! Still awaiting paper work from Red Cross and Honestly,,, I forgot to reamp up my liscene for 2012! So I tucked my tail and went home till I can get my paper work to PAR... Woulda been a mess out there anyway!!! Going out tomarrow to get back in the game. but then got other guest showing up in town... Need start making them pour lures!!! lol!!

As far as recovery of lost Items,, I can help! Is there a spot? Let me know..

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Postby BASSTRACKER » Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:57 pm

get one of those steel stringers with all the clips. open the clips up then you got like 12 -20 hooks to drag the bottom with. I'm not sure where you'd get one here, but i have seen em online. a stout cord tied to it will make a great retriever. but if they were close to the bank in an area with lots of wood and debris below, i dare say it will be tough not to snag the retriever so badly it will be lost too. i would bet its way to murky and dark to scuba in 15-20ft of water in the lake. and not sure anyone would want to venture into the yuck. i wish em luck though, i know if i had lost some high end stuff id be out there dragging the bottom!!

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Postby Ca_Bass » Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:19 pm

Sorry to hear that, hope those guys get their gear back but if they don't at least nobody was badly hurt! Anyone have an aquavu or some sort of underwater camera? Might be too murky but it could be worth a shot.

I know a lot of guys have 2 stroke motors and to get keep them running well they need to be opened up every now and then for a few reasons. Best place to do that is probably kincaids and on, can't recall ever seeing a shore angler any further than morgans point and most kayakers don't go up that far either. It's a good straight away where you can see everyone and as long as you don't fly around the corner should be reasonably safe (as I'm typing this I feel like some how I'm endorsing drag racing and recklessness...that is not my intent :) )

Now I'm wondering if there are any speed limits where I fish? I don't think there are though but last time I had my boat out it was glass flat and I was going 76mph :) grateful to whoever designed those save phace masks! Unfortunately I recently lost one of my 2 mask to some gusting wind :( didn't even realize it until the other day.

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Postby TheAlohaBoy » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:38 pm

I was just pulling into parking area when I say the white SUV. I think it was a rover. Male Japenese/Asian dude and a female.

His car caught my eye cause I was thinking to myself, Damn that dude cant back down the ramp worth of crap, all on the side edge area. But what a nice boat.....

10 minutes later two guys came in a smaller boat. I ask did you catch anything... then was told they got capsized and lost cell phones, poles, tackle etc.

I just purchased a boat last week. Took it out three days ago. Saw the dude fishing wiith a black lab.. I think i see the dog everytime I went fishing.

Anyways... I'm hooked on fishing.

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Speeding boats

Postby hanapa » Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:24 pm

First post on this board, but saw this guy yesterday (actually heard him before I saw him!) blazing down to Kemoo Island with rooster tail in tow! He did slow down to a "no-wake" speed once he saw me in my little Bass tender, otherwise I would have huli'ed for sure. Guess he got the message to slow down.

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Here is that guy!!!

Postby TheAlohaBoy » Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:07 pm

I was there when that boat capsized. I was fishing off shore today, and guess who pulled up again......

I took a picture.

White Land Rover Lic# 590TTN



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Postby Ca_Bass » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:15 pm

That's an old champ! Looks good though. My old tourney partner had a 1985 champion in 2000 and that thing still looked good. They seem to keep well...but I guess a lot it is how they're cared for.

One thing I don't miss about wilson is the speed limit. Don't get me wrong I get it. But it's definitely nice being able to run at wide open throttle. I can get 30 miles in the same time it too to get from the ramp to the north fork going with no wake.

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