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Postby skunked » Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:14 am

With all the gear I have blown money on, you'd think I'd have several GLoomis rods, but I don't. I couldn't pass up a deal I found on the net for 30% off all Loomis rods! I ordered a BCR802 GLX and saved about $120 off reg. price. I hope it arrives intact. Been through that nightmare before. Then we'll see if it lives up to all the hype I've been hearing for years. Can't wait!! Anyone here care to share feedback on their Loomis rods? I can't imagine any rod being more sensitive than the Shimano Cumara that I have, but they say the GLX is the most sensitive rod on the market. I will do a comparison test.
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loomis rods

Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:02 am

Hey skunked, I have one loomis rod, a nine footer, but it is for saltwater fishing. I bought the blank in the 80's for $100+ and put the rod together myself. I had to rewrap the rod a couple of times since then. I use it to bait cast, free line and whip. I use it to primarily to catch papio and moi. It is light, cast okay, and has a good feel. My friend has several 10 footers for moi, and he says if the moi are around he can feel the fish "breathing" on the line. Loomis rods are the rods of choice for the hard core akule fisherman. I would buy another one if I could afford it.

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Postby skunked » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:22 am

What are we doing up at 3am? Anyway, I received the rod 2 days ago and..."drum roll"....It's not broken!!! Yay! Initial thoughts when checking it out is that it is very balanced with a reel mounted on it. Has a very nice and crisp action that only the top quality rods have. It is not as light as my Cumara, but a balanced rod feels lighter than a lighter, but unbalanced rod. Can't wait to try it out on the water!!
I literally just (30 minutes ago) ordered a reel to go with this rod. It is a Shimano Core 51MG which I found for $70 off retail price on ebay. It weighs only 5.5 oz.
Thanks for the info about your Loomis rod Darren.
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Postby OO7:BASSINASSASSIN » Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:49 am

Hey Skunked, I work the overnight shift now, 9 to 8:30, so I stay up all night on my off days. Lucky for the fish, I cann't harrass them as much now. Wanted to go today but the weather looks bad.

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Postby Stan Wright » Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:12 am

It's raining in Kaneohe... I don't know about the lake.

A the lake on Friday it was 50% chance of rain and we didn't get a drop.
Water rose a foot or so while were out. ... and came all muddy.
Still clear from BSA Isl. to Morgans Pt.

Past Morgans Pt. the water visibility dropped to an inch or two.
But the big tukes were hitting the white spinner bait.
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Postby skunked » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:53 pm

Stumbled upon a great deal that I couldn't pass up. I decided to check out Sawada Store in Wahiawa since I hadn't been there in years. The only places left to get fishing stuff are Sawada, Pioneer Ace Hardware, and Longs. Anyway, I saw it sitting in the glass showcase, a beautiful Daiwa Sol 2500 spinning reel. I asked the man for the price and within 5 seconds of him saying "$60", I said "I'll take it!". It is used but in good condition with the box and papers. A brand new one retails for $209. I'm not too much into spinning reels, but this was such a great deal. So, my last two reel purchases have been higher end Daiwa spinners. Very unusual for me. I got a Fuego 1000A a few months ago and it is the best UL reel I've used so far. Of course, I've never used a Stella or Steez. For any of you who are ever in the area, stop by Sawada Store on Cane St. and check it out. They also had several Penn Senators and Spinfishers too. He sells stuff on consignment if you're interested in selling some equipment.
Cabelas XMLTi dropshot model
Cabelas XML 6 foot UL with super cheesy looking gold reel seat hoods. This rod looks ugly but is just a perfect UL rod for 2-4 lb. line.
Shimano Core 51MG7. Awesome little gem of a reel. I think it weighs only about 5.5 oz., but still has powerful gears and a strong drag. For some reason, even I, the master of birdnests, almost never backlashes on this reel.
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Postby fisher dude » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:38 pm

Nice reel I was just in there last week you are so lucky! Lucky I didn't see it last week lol!

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Postby skunked » Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:30 pm

BTW, I have found a new favorite mono: P-Line CX. I use the 4 and 8 lb test and they work great. Very good handling, and excellent knot strength. Small diameter too. Got mine at Roy's in Aiea. Funny how one company can produce 3 very different lines, with only one being any good.
CXX: Resembles wire. Super stiff which causes it to jump off the spool and backlashes often. They use a thicker diameter for a given lb. test so that it seems like it is incredibly strong. All they are doing is mislabeling the poundage. Worst memory of any line I've ever used.
Fluoroclear: Handles ok, but has terrible terrible knot strength and poor abrasion resistance. I had multiple unexplained breakoffs with this line. Junk.
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Postby kahuna bass » Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:38 am


I checked out your reel pictures from last year, and I noticed that your baitcasting reel collection are both right and left hand models. Just wondered if you fish both?

I tried it for about two months and had to go back to the right hand models only. It ended up messing with my bait flipping.

By the way, your high end inventory, just continues to grow.......I'm not worthy 8)

I picked up a used Antares 5 (very minor scratches) and worn handle bearings, $100.00. Replacement bearings should be around 25.00 :wink:

Still got a way to go, to be worthy like the "Great Skunked, Tackle Ho" :twisted:

Bass regards, Mel - Kahuna bass
Darkside wanabe "Tackle Ho" :wink:
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Postby Stan Wright » Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:39 am

When I was growing up we had the old Garcia 5000 C reels. My dad made me learn to cast both right, and left handed. (I still have those reels, and use them)

With the modern day stuff, anyone can learn to cast without backlashes.

My newest toys are the Shimano Curado CU200E7

and the Shimano Citica C1200E
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Postby skunked » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:00 pm

Thanks for the replies. Mel, congratulations on the Antares 5. I would recommend www.bocabearings.com for your handle bearings. Get some orange seal ceramic spool bearings too while you're at it! I only buy righty reels when it is only available that way or if I am getting a great deal. When I go fishing (rare), I pretty much use only lefty reels due to the poor coordination in my left hand. I am waiting for Shimano Japan to release the left hand Scorpion 1001XT next month. Should perform like my CORE 51, but just a bit heavier on the scale due to the aluminum frame vs. magnesium.
Stan, enjoy your new toys! Those are great reels. I have 2 of the CU201E7 and 1 of the CI201E and they perform great. Much better than the previous D series. The Citica is the best value in a bullet-proof reel on the market. The main thing I like about the Curado vs. the Citica is the handle with the big beefy knobs. Stan, if you want to trade for my Citica handle, let me know!
BTW, if anyone is interested in the recently discontinued Daiwa Certate, Roy's has them for $310, last I checked. That's a good price. Sounds weird to say that, but it's true.
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Postby kahuna bass » Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:11 am


You do know your tackle, "old mighty tackle ho" 8) . With your fine arsenal of fishing gear, you must have one of those fancy glass display counter(just like at Macy's, Bloomingdale's, JCPenny's). This way, you can just enjoy, looking at your reels everyday. :wink:

I have all my reels in soft reel bags or big pelican case's w/foam sections. Of course in my garage. I use to think, that the garage was "Man-roon", sacred domain for "Man fishing only". :twisted:

Now, I only have 1/3 the garage for me :cry: , 1/3 for daughter's barbie toys & stuff, and 1/3 for wife's scrapbook & stuff. :evil: Heck, I still have the tool shed(at least for now :roll: ).

When I get home next week, I'll send out new pictures of Man's fishing garage(my 1/3 garage). I just gotta find my Man card. I've seem to misplaced it a few years ago. Oops, gotta go, wife calling me,"yes dear" (Nah, just kidding, I'm in Guam) :lol:

Bass regards, Mel - Kahuna bass
Darkside tackle ho, with 1/3 garage man room :evil:
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Postby skunked » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:31 am

kahuna bass wrote:Skunked,

You do know your tackle, "old mighty tackle ho" 8) . With your fine arsenal of fishing gear, you must have one of those fancy glass display counter(just like at Macy's, Bloomingdale's, JCPenny's). This way, you can just enjoy, looking at your reels everyday. :wink:

No way, I really don't take good care of my reels like I should. I have them all piled up in a cardboard box with all my spools of fishing line. The more expensive reels have the "luxury" of being stored in felt Crown Royal pouches! Yahoo!
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